chapter 7: fun times 🤭

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((I'm sorry everyone for not uploading for like a fucking year but I just forget about these things some times I'm sorry))

Tweeks POV

" nooo! That's not what you do" I giggled softly at Kenny who fucked up putting the eggs in the batter this was nice the anxiety I had before went away maybe because I was with Kenny who was always so carefree and even tho he was classified as a perv he was actually a really nice guy  " then what am I supposed to do coffee bean" I smile brighter at the name " not get the egg shells in! " I say in a matter a fact tone Kenny chuckles  and takes it out of the battle and we continue

Kenny's POV

We finally finished the cupcakes after my many mistakes but hey I barely get to cook at my own house so I'm not used to it "that was fun" I sigh happily " that's not even the best part, the best part is eating them" tweeks say as he takes the wrapper off and eats it I take one as well and do the same , it taste so fucking good I could die a happy man " damn tweeks your gonna have to make me more stuff like this in the future this is great" I say enthusiastically he smiles happily at me and nods "of course your my new friends , in fact I think you should take this home for your family" he get up to give me the whole tray " oh no way I don't think I can do that you made these to I don't wanna take all of them" I put my hands up to refuse but he puts them down and hands the tray out "don't worry I get enough already and I want you to have them as thanks" the smile on his face is gentle a pretty I blush and look  away "o-okay I'll take it, thank you tweeks" I say "no problem"

*time skip Kenny is home *

" I'M HOME! " I yell my sister comes down the stairs "what is that" she says happily "it's cupcakes me and tweek made and he gave me them as thanks " I say she takes one and eats "mmmm that's really good " I smile I walk over to our "kitchen" and place the tray down my older brother had left long ago with some whore so he wasn't here and my dad was at his new Amazon job he just started so it was just me and my sister and my mom who just walked into the kitchen " hey Kenny what's that you got there" she asked her accent coming threw as always " me and tweek made cupcakes and he gave me them as thanks" I say a smile permanently on my fave she gave a smile and took one to eat " this is really good, why'd he give you this as thanks? " she asked "oh well he needed help and I offered to be his friend this was a thanks for it" I say with a small blush coming to my cheeks " ohhhhh a "friend" " she teases I roll my eyes

"yes just a friend"

((Not for long😏))

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