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Outhouse, Susuru
Hanyang, Joseon

After presenting her cure to the Public Doctor, the Saton called an emergency meeting in a haste and Soryeon presented the cure she has to the Saryu. There was a great outburst, rejecting the cure but Sojin made them realise that the cure might be a bit farfetched but it is the only cure that is available

It was decided right here at the meeting, that Soryeon was to follow The Public Doctor and Sojin to present the cure to the King so that resources to fund the new diet can be released to them

Soryeon came back home to freshen up and right here in her room, Soryeon hastily dressed herself when her personal maid, Solin came inside with a small food basket which has a napkin over it to cover the food inside. On seeing the young lady, Soryeon quickly run towards her as the maid put the small food basket on the table.

Soryeon removes the napkin and she beamed when she saw steaming freshly baked rice buns. She took one of the rice bun and put it in her mouth only spit it out a second later

“Hot!” She exclaimed

“Agasshi, calm down and eat slowly” the maid advised

“But I am starving” Soryeon blurted in annoyance as she picked up the rice and blows air to it

“Then wait for it to cool down”

“I don’t have that kind of time” Soryeon replied as takes a bite from the fairly cooled down rice bun

“Manager Chobi didn’t see you right?” Soryeon asked. The maid shook her head


“And what if I saw her” Soryeon tensed the moment she heard her mother’s voice, turning to face the direction of the voice, Madam Bang opened her door and comes in


“You didn’t come home last night” Madam Bang questioned her daughter

“Why are you making it a big deal, it is not the first time and I am sure you know the reason why I didn’t come home already” Soryeon shrugged as she continue eating the rice bun “I can’t keep anything from you” The starved young lady said under her breath

“Solin” Madam Bang called out, the maid turned to her attention to the business woman immediately

“Yes, Manim”

“Take those rice buns back to the kitchen right now”

“I am starving, Ajumma” Soryeon exclaimed

“Exactly, you need to eat good food”

“This is good food” Soryeon points to rice buns in the food basket on the table

“You know what I mean by good food” And yes, Soryeon knew what her mother meant by good food

“I don’t have the time for that”

“Do I need to repeat myself, Solin?” Madam Bang asked with a stern voice and without responding to her question, Solin quickly went out of the room with the food basket in her food to Soryeon’s annoyance

“I need to go and see the King with the Saton, I don’t have time for a wide spread table” Soryeon complained

“There will be no need for that” Madam Bang announced. Soryeon looked at her mother in confusion


“Like you said, I already know why you didn’t come home and I also know you are about to present your cure to the King in the palace” Soryeon looked at her mother in amazement

The Public Doctor: A Traitor's daughter Where stories live. Discover now