Chapter eleven

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January 1941

What am I doing?

Why is my foot pressed firmly on the gas pedal, on a car that doesn't even belong to me? Did I really steal this car from Harry? I'm in such deep trouble for my rushed actions, but all I can think about right now is making sure my friends are alright. Harry would never let me come here if I told him my true intentions, it is far too dangerous, and he is right.

That is why I had to exit the club without him knowing. I was surprised how he didn't guess my intentions right away when I mentioned the need to go to the toilet, especially after I mentioned it had a window. I never guessed it would work, I thought he would see right through me as I had mentioned the window on the loo before.

I guess he never thought I was capable of escaping, and it was very hard to get through the window in the limited time I got. I had to do it all while another girl was using the toilet, if she saw me leaving through the window it would have cut my escape time significantly. And to be honest, I always thought he would find me in time.

When he didn't, I found myself outside without a proper plan to get to my house. It was not very far but walking was out of the question as it would take me far too long. I considered, for a few seconds, calling a taxi but then I saw the valet boy and an even crazier idea crossed my mind. The poor boy didn't even have time to react when I basically threatened to hurt him if he didn't give me the keys. He gave in to my demand, probably afraid not only about what I could do to him, but also the imminent danger of a bomb dropping on our heads. The last thing he cared about was other people's cars when his life could be in danger.

Hopefully, I wouldn't even cause a scratch on the car and I would return it to a very angry Harry in a few minutes once I make sure everything is alright. This is beyond all limits and I might have jeopardized the whole mission I had in my hands.

I just need to know they are safe, that is all. Once I know they are alright I can rest.

We have had some pretty scary bombings in the past, but lately, we have become a little more careless, myself included. The alarm rings, warning us all to find shelter and we wait long enough just to check if we are truly in danger or if they are bombing on a different area. We should not do it, we know but after a while, you get tired of it, especially when nothing bad happened for those careless actions.

My foot presses harder against the pedal, knowing I can't drive this fast on the streets. Thank you George for teaching me how to drive in your old truck, truly.

"Come on." I tell myself when I see the smoke coming out of the area where I live across the river. The streets are filled with people trying to seek shelter, probably seeing a madwoman drive towards the bombings and wondering if I am crazy. I'm just a woman with not much left to lose, because otherwise, I would never have had this idea. I would never risk myself this way if I had George waiting for me back home.

But I have no one, all I have left are my friends. Friends I don't even know their real names or their true self, but we are always here for each other, at least for as long as this damn war lasts.

"Oh come on." I curse to myself when I see that it is impossible to go any further with the car after I crossed the bridge and manage to drive for a few more minutes. 

The road that leads to my house is cut by a fallen tree across the street. Maybe I could try to go on a different route but it would not guarantee me it would work. If I leave the car here, it is only a few minutes walking, or in this case, running, until I get there. I can still hear the sirens echo loudly, meaning that the danger still hasn't passed. The sound of airplanes is still heard at a distance, which could mean another attack is following.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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