Chapter 1 - What a Day

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Yet another uneventful day.

I continue shelving books as my mind wanders, imagining another world, with a different job, a different apartment, a different life where I can live alone and in peace.

I glance at the mirror beside the books I'm putting away. It always confused me why a crappy mall bookstore has mirrors everywhere. I guess this used to be a clothing store or something. Looking my self up and down, I sigh.

The uniform here isn't very strict, just a dress shirt and pants. Still, I can't help be disappointed by the boy in the mirror. My messy hair desperately needs a trim, and my eyeliner is slightly lopsided. I really want to get better at putting on makeup, but it's not like I'm exactly the most popular guy around. Even if I was going to ask someone, I wouldn't really have that many options.

I'm awoken from my judgemental daze by my boss, Calvin.

"Adam, can you run next door and ask them to turn the music down? I tried earlier, but they turned it up again five minutes later and it's scaring away our customers."

The new place beside ours had it's grand opening a few days ago, and hasn't turned down it's music since. It seems to be some kind of punk clothing store, which I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the fact that Martin walks by it every time he picks me up from my shift (which he insists on doing), and he hates that style. Every time he walks by the store, he rants and rants about how stupid and slutty it is.

I, of course, never protest, knowing that it will only prolong his complaining.

I grumpily trudge over to next door, thankfully finding someone who works in the small shop somewhat easily. They seem to be hanging up shirts on the wall, and I hurry over, tapping them on the shoulder.

"Excuse me?" I ask, placing my hand on my hip.

"Mhm?" They respond, not bothering to look at me.

I let out a small grumble, Crossing my arms impatiently.

"I'm from next door. My boss wanted the music to be turned down, because it's scaring away the customers or something like that. Plus, it's giving me a splitting headache." I respond, practically shouting to be heard over the blasting guitar solo playing over the speakers.

They finally look at me, glancing over their shoulder, not even bothering to turn their head all the way around. They look me up and down, then smirk.

"Fine." They reply, promptly leave, heading into a door which I presume leads to the back.

I roll my eyes and return to my shelving, surprised when the music actually turns down. I smile a bit, pleased that at least something good happened today.

That is, until about ten minutes later, when the music is turned back up. My smile immediately disappears, and I hear a familiar voice shouting "Oh, come ON!" a few isles away.

"I've got it," I call over, stomping to next door.

"Excuse me?" I growl at the familiar worker, who is leaning against some clothes expectantly. Any semblance of patience previously in my voice is now gone, replaced by anger.

"You didn't say goodbye." They respond, their smile only growing at the sight of my anger.

"Goodbye." I snap, turning away so fast I'm surprised I don't get whiplash.

"That's all? You don't want me to turn the music down?" They call after me, causing me to stop and slowly turn around. Man, they get under my skin.

"Turn. The music. DOWN." I growl, looking dead into their eyes.

"Please," He corrects, looking at me expectantly.

"This isn't worth this bullshit." I decide aloud, quickly turning to leave.

Of course, I don't even get the courtesy of a proper exit, I think as I trip over the clothes he was shelving, falling ever-so-gracefully, right into a clothes rack.

Great. Just great.


Thank you all for reading this far into this pile of garbage, I can't wait to see what happens, and I hope you can't wait either!

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Have a good day!

Words: 720

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