On a surface level, I think nihilism is poorly understood as the absence of a ruling party, a central object(ive) to place on top of the pyramid of everyone's inner polis I(greek word describing a city-state). In the perception of many, it describes the mind as a world astray, lacking direction, lacking chaperoning, someone or something to guide it towards some imaginary solution, a light at the end of some tunnel; in other words, it lacks a meaning of life. Truth is, it's nothing like it. I might be wrong, but these views and sources of despair are tightly connected to religion, its doctrine of the better things to come( like the afterlife), when, in fact, evolution does not necessarily mean progress. A boulder rolls down the hill because of physics, and there isn't more meaning in our actions than there is in the boulder's action of rolling. It is all in physics and it doesn't require anything else. We have no will and wants besides the ones in our nature. When the first parent failed at parenting, religion was born, from the need of an authority higher than oneself, to teach, to guide. We are children than never learned to stand on our own two feet...

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