Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Bakugou's P.O.V                                     

So the little shit could be useful, at least a little more useful than the rest of these nerds, but she is definitely not better than me in any way. I know that for a fact, I mean I am the best new hero in Japan and that's more than she can say. When I started listening to what was going on in the room I heard something that might have been her saying 'Goodnight' right before she started dropping to the floor. Before she could hit the ground I caught her on instinct. I think she passed out from quirk exhaustion, but it honestly looked like she was sleeping, I couldn't really tell, but I also couldn't care to find out. And right then I hear stupid Dekus and gravity bitch in unison step forward and say something along the lines of ' oh my god, is she ok?'           

BKG: " She clearly used her quirk too much and didn't have the energy to stay awake, it's not that hard to figure out."                       

EJI:" It was really manly for you to catch her Bakugou, I think we should put her in one of the infirmary beds though so she can comfortably rest and recover."                                       

BKG:" I'm not stupid shitty hair what do you think I was going to do let her fall to the ground, if she is going to be useful in anyway we need her in one piece and healthy."                                    

As he was taking you to the infirmary with Recovery girl the others in the room started talking about what they just witnessed not 2 minutes ago. The main emotion going through the room was a mix between shock from the young heroes and respect from the older ones.                       

EH: " This is why the agency wanted her, what I don't understand though is why she is an underground hero in America, with her looks, power and extensive training and control she has the ability to be one of the top three in America, easily. I am actually confused."                   

EDR: " How did she make mine and Shotos fire go away, I thought she said her quirk is light manipulation? This doesn't make any sense. Plus she seems like she'll be more of a burden like that Bakugou kid then any actual help with the fiasco she just caused."                           

HKS: " I think that there are many parts to her quirk that we have to learn about because if you paid attention when she started to glow she also levitated a little off the ground to be eye level with Bakugou."           

DKU: "Yeah I saw that and I just so happened to be looking out the window when she got out of the car she made two light ropes and manipulated them to move the crowd of reporters to make a path way and held that for a solid minute, and she didn't even injure or hurt any of the reporters and there was quite a few in the courtyard. And did you see how quickly she got Kacchan restrained to the wall in those chains, she was very fast and efficient. And when she started speaking even I was scared just a little, she sounded beyond pissed."                           

DNK: " Her quirk is very versatile, and when she used it in the courtyard I don't know if she felt it but when she got the people out of the way and grabbed me she shocked me, it's almost like she had an electric charge, plus while were were in the elevator her arms still had a faint glow to them so she expelled the light and made this glass thing, its honestly pretty cool and it's in the shape of a bolt of lightning."                       

MoMo: " It seems like she can create just like I can at the expense of her energy but instead of using the lipids in her body she uses the light available around her."                                   

AM: " I don't think she is always like young Bakugou, I just think that she was stressed and tired and the comments that he said tipped the scales in the wrong way and she snapped at him, but I don't think she had the intention of harm because she restrained him and thats it. I think she just wanted to prove her worth and he was the easiest to demonstrate her strength on."                                       

EJI: " Yeah but she's also not just strong with her quirk she is also physically strong according to all the training she said she had, I'm not going to question it no matter how small she is after what she did to baku-bro I don't want to get on her bad side, ever."                           

HKS: " I think this kid, y/n, is going to tip the fight in our favor, and honestly after this some agencies might want to try and get her to stay in Japan."                                       

EH: " Based on how she is in America I don't think she would want to stay because that would also mean that she would be put in the spotlight, I think she prefers to stay under the radar. But I think the best thing we can do is try and find information on her from her work in America and regroup tomorrow to actually debrief her on the full situation."                

Just then Recovery Girl and Bakugou walked in the room and the rest of the group filled them in while they confirmed that y/n had, in fact, passed out from exhaustion and over use of her quirk.

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