Chapter 8: Apartment

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Your P.O.V                                           

You woke up to the incessant beeping of the heart monitor that you were hooked up to. You faintly remember passing out after fighting Bakugou... You. Fought. Bakugou. And won, but then you passed out, so it only counted as 75% of a win.                                        

"Jeez, I'm gonna have to apologize aren't I. Not right now though, right now I need out of here and take a long hot shower to get rid of this stupid sensitivity that's left over from last night. Oh, wait, what time is it....."          

As you continued to mumble, Deku, Recovery Girl, Eraserhead and Bakugou all looked on at your mumbling with slight amusement, then Bakugou spoke up.                                           

"Shut the fuck up, lightbulb."                              

You jumped up and had your dagger in hand pointed at the person who spoke or you would have if you had your dagger on you, but that, your shoes and jacket were missing, but before you could ask where they were Recovery Girl spoke from your left and pointed to where they were and you proceeded to put them on. When you were done you looked around the room till you found Bakugou. You walked up to him and bowed your head and apologized.       

" I'm sorry that I attacked you like that last night it wasn't what I wanted my first impression to be but I was already on edge and extremely tired and while that doesn't fully excuse me for my actions I just wanted to say sorry. To all of the people in the room actually, that was not how I should have handled the situation at all, so again I'm sorry."                       

" I don't want your stupid apology Lightbulb, you essentially caught me off guard and that's the only reason that you sort of won the fight."           

"So are you open for a rematch some time, I'd like to fight you fair and square to see where I am against one of the best young hero's of Japan, also to see what UA teaches their kids."                           

" Yeah whatever lightbulb, your gonna lose so I don't know why you would want to fight anyway, but to each their own I guess."               

You let out a little happy squeal at his answer, but then got serious and asked where your apartment was and the rest of your stuff. Eraserhead answered you explaining the you would be living in the same apartment complex as the rest of the hero's on this job because apparently this situation required the multiple agencies to splurge and help pay for the housing plus its close to the agency so convienience was also a big part of it, you had your doubts about having most of the young hero's in the same place but decided to keep it to your self for the time being.                              

The ride to the complex was uneventful which was great because all you could think about was food, shower and nap in that excact order. Once the car was parked Bakugou stormed off in what you could only assume was the direction of his room while deku stayed with you and showed you around, which also led to 20 questions, hero analysis/interrogation style. You tried to answer as much as you could but in all honesty you didn't want to tell any of the hero's anything about you unless they needed to know. It might be bad for teamwork in the long run if they start to ask questions about your...certain situations but that is something you will deal with if it ever comes to that. You both continued to walk and you guessed that deku got the idea that you wont open up and spill every detail about your quirk at the moment so he stopped asking questions and you both walked in comfortable silence.   

" Well this is your room y/n. Sorry if I was prying, it's just not everyday that I get to meet and work with a hero from America. You must be really tired and I didnt take that into account, so again I'm sorry."               

" Your good, I am tired but I also know that I need to work on my people skills just a bit so your questions didn't bother me that much on the walk here. But i'll see you guys tomorrow for the actual debriefing."             

You both laugh and say goodnight even though it's only 5:00, but to you it's way later, jet lag is a bitch sometimes. You walk into your apartment and look around the entrance to see just outside the walkway is your living room which has the basics to make it feel sort of comfy. As you walk through to get to your room you pass the kitchen/dining area, you look in the first door and see a small office space which is great, and the second door is your room. The room itself has a decently sized closet which you need for your work related stuff, like weapons and such, it also has a queen sized bed, dresser and nightstand. Then you finally come across the bathroom which is what you have wanted ever since you woke up in the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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