Chapter twenty five-sleepover pt3

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There's an author note at the end of this so read it 👍

Ino:that's a great idea, let's go to my room

They all walk to ino's room and sit in a circle

Ino:I'll go get a bottle

Ino walks out to go get the bottle

Tenten:this is gonna be fun

Gaara:eh it's kinda childish


Sakura:y'all are just party poopers

Shino:did you just say party poopers, what are you 5

Sakura:shut up

Ino soon walks back in with the bottle

Ino:did I miss anything

Sakura:not really

Ino:ok let get started, who wants to go first


Temari grabs the bottle and spins it and it lands on hinata

Sakura: ok Temari and Hinata in the closet

They both walk in and Sakura sets a timer

Lee:i wonder what their gonna do

In the closet

Temari:welp what should we do

Hinata:not really sure

Temari:let's play Rock Paper Scissors

Outside the closet

About 3 minutes in they start hearing yelling

"You're cheating" "no I'm not"

Naruto:I wonder what their doing


After the 7 minutes

Sakura:ok y'all can come out

They both walk out

Gaara:why were y'all shouting at each

Hinata & Temari:because she was cheating

Lee:cheating at what

Temari & hinata:rock paper scissors



Ino:k how's next

Sakura:I'll go

Sakura grabs the bottle and it lands on Sasuke

Ino:ok Sasuke and Sakura in the closet

They both walk in and ino sets the timer

In the closet

Sakura:you like Naruto right

Sasuke:what are you talking about

Sakura:oh don't start with me I see the way y'all look at him


Sakura:yeah you and the rest of the boys

Sasuke:well your not wrong

Sakura:I'm pretty sure Naruto likes you too

Sasuke:eh idk

Ino:ok you two come out

They both walk out and sit back down

Ino:who's next

Kiba:I'll go

Kiba grabs the bottle and spins it and it lands on Naruto

Ino:ok kiba and Naruto in the closet

They both walking in and set the timer

Naruto:so kiba how are liking the sleepover so fa-

Naruto was cut off with kiba kissing him

Shocked Naruto started to slowly gave into the kiss

Kiba bit Naruto lips asking for an entrance which Naruto accepts

After a few minutes of making out Naruto and kiba spilt of a breath

Naruto:what was that for

Kiba:ah I'm sorry Naruto I don't know what got into me

Naruto:it's fine

The boys sit in silence for the rest of the time

Ino:ok boys come out

They both walk out and sit back down

The game continues with Naruto thinking "why did kiba kiss me"

A/n: Heyy guys so I was thinking of doing this thing were if I didn't want to write a chapter I do like a filler chapter which is basic some random chapter about random things.

I hope you enjoy

I hope you enjoy

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