Dark Wish Pt 1

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Novi, Vida, and Maddie were working in the Rock Porium, preparing for its one-year anniversary. Novi was in the back working on her routine for the party as Toby had asked her to do a performance to commemorate the day.

"Hey V, is that new track ready, I need to so I can figure out the routine for tomorrow's party," asked Novi coming over to Vida.

"Yeah, I got it right here," said Vida offering her a disk

"You're the best, V,"

Novi walked past Maddie as she was serving a customer.

"Hey Maddie."

"Here you go, and don't forget tomorrow is our big one-year anniversary party. There is a special performance by NVi so don't be late," said Maddie handing a leaflet to the customer.

It was still a bit strange to hear herself being referred to by her stage name, NVi. She had been doing small street shows for several months now but nothing as big as this was looking to become. A flurry of butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she head out the back wanting to make sure her routine was prefect. She was filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement, NVi was already gathering fame as the videos Maddie had filmed and posted on-line had really started to take off, the views reaching into the thousands with more and more people showing up to the show she did around the city.

Just then the office door flung open as Toby stumbled out. A half-inflated balloon dangled limply from his mouth and orange streamers hung around his neck.

"Are you okay, Toby," Maddie asked.

"These balloons wont inflate! And the— I can't get the streamer to stream, and my poppers keep popping. This party is going to be a disaster," complained Toby as Vida and Novi came up and started to pull the streamers from his shoulders.

"Don't worry about a thing, Boss. We'll care take of it. Right sis?" asked Vida looking at Maddie.

"Absolutely. You just tell us what you want and um, it's done," said Maddie with a smile.

"Well, it has to be prefect. Big but not too big. And I want a cake."

"A cake you say?" said Maddie and she went behind the counter. Novi saw out of the corner of her eyes; Maddie pull out her Mystic Morpher and a cake appeared on the chair in front of her.

"Ta-da," said Maddie bring the cake over to Toby.

"It's perfect!" said Toby excitedly.

As he said that their morphers chimed. Maddie thrust the cake into Toby's hands as they moved out of sight and Maddie flipped open her phone

"The others need your help, there is dark magic in the forest," came Claire's voice


"There he is," said Nick pointing across the clearing as they reached the source of the dark magic. Before them stood a human-like being dressed it what Novi recognized as Samurai style armor.

"You dare stand before me, you will fall by my sword," the Samurai said.

"Let's get this over with," said Nick.

"Yes, let us do that."

The six teens and Daggeron charged at the samurai but before they could reach him, he leapt over their heads striking the ground where Daggeron had once stood. Vida and Chip tried a coordinated attacked on him, but the Samurai dodged Vida's blow and struck Chip across the chest and Chip was thrown to the side. Xander tried to use his ax to hit the samurai from behind, but he whirled around and expertly blocked his attack. Nick jumped in with his sword, but the samurai dropped to the ground rolling under the blow. Novi turned her Magi staff into its blade form and charged at the Samurai. She held her own for a while with neither landing a blow on the other, but the Samurai seemed to grow weary of this and blasted her with red electricity that he shot out of the end of his sword, which repelled Novi as she sailed backwards and landed on the ground. Maddie swung her staff at the samurai, but he struck her across her chest. Nick leapt into the air from behind Novi and aiming his blade at him but was met with a strike as the samurai again charged up his blade with the red energy and unleashed it on Nick.

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