•Chapter 17•

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"Don't say anything about it now, I'll meet you on the roof of Casita at 9:00." He pressed his finger on your lips.

He then left you alone in the alley still speechless. The moment Camilo walked always was also the moment Carlos came in the alleyway.

"Oh thank god your here, I thought you got taken or something." He smiled at you. "Hey what's up?" He titled his head waiting for a response.

You finally unfroze from the statue you were. "Oh nothing." You laughed off. "Anyways let's go hide that candle." He motioned you to open a portal to his house.

You then dragged him through the portal and walked inside his room to pick up the candle. "Are you sure you want me to have it?" You faced him with the candle in your hands.

"100%" He replied nodding his head up and down. You smiled and created a portal to your room. "See you!" He waved as he heard a knock on his door knowing it was his mother.

You waved back as you strolled through the portal to the platform in your room. You closed the portal after you then placed the candle carefully on the table beside the beanbag next to the bookshelf.

You then teleported back down and fell onto your bed. I'll meet you on the roof of Casita at 9:00. That ran through your head along with when Camilo said what Camila said was true.

You couldn't help but blush. Ten minutes ago you were barely into Camilo but now you felt obsessed.

Time flew by and before you knew it, it was 9:00. You flung up from your bed and teleported to the roof. You looked around but no one was there.

A few minutes went by and still no one, you started creating a portal to leave but Camilo grabbed your arm from behind.

"Sorry I'm late, it's hard when Abuela Alma is creeping around." He laughed causing you to laugh. "Anyways about what you said earlier?" You broke the few seconds of silence.

"It's true?" You looked at the tiles on the roof and a small smirk formed on your face. "Yep it feels good to get that out." He said placing his hand on top of yours.

"So when did you start liking me then?" You titled your head waiting for a response. "I think it was the day Casita was falling and you were protecting Mirabel." He sighed.

"But I think it might of been before that but I just noticed how much I loved you at that moment." He sat with his legs crossed.

You sat next to him legs crossed too. "I understand if you like Carlos more than me bu-" He was stopped.

Without warning you gently kissed him. It lasted around 5 seconds before you pulled away. Camilo was stunned going red in the face. You giggled at his reaction. "Never said I liked Carlos in that way."

Camilo then smirked. "So does this mean we are official bonita?"

"Of course guapo." You smiled as he got closer. He put a strand of hair behind your ear then passionately kissed you. You both stopped to the sound of Alma walking around.

"I'll teleport you back to your room." You said whilst opening a portal to Camilos room. Camilo nodded and then you both strolled through hand in hand.

You were about to teleport back to your room until Camilo put his arm on your shoulder from behind. "Wait, please stay."

"Sure but I'm so tired." You groaned. You both collapsed onto the bed and Camilo started twirling his hair with his fingers. "So when are we going to tell everyone that we're official?" You looked up at him.

"Maybe tommorow at breakfast?" Camilo smiled. "Sounds good." You yawned before drifting off into a deep sleep.

You woke the next morning. It had been the best sleep you have had in a while and you didn't want to wake up. Camilos hands were around your waist and his head resting on top of yours.

You slowly tried to move out of his grasp but he pulled you closer. "Not yet amor." He said as he brought you closer. "Cami we have to get up soon, breakfast is ready." You laughed.

"Alright, alright." He loosened his grip on you and you got up out of bed. "Come on." You smiled whilst pulling Camilo up from going back to sleep.

Eventually you both walked to breakfast, it was outside again but you didn't mind that. You both sat next to each other at the table where everyone was already eating.

"Took you both long enough." Your mother smiled whilst looking at you both. Camila was looking at you from the other end of the table again.

"So who's telling them, me or you?" You nudged Camilo as you remembered last night Camilo said at breakfast the next morning he will announce you two were official.

"I'll do it." Camilo smirked. Before he could stand up Dolores stood up with Camila. Dolores went over to stand behind Camila and put her hands on her shoulders.

"Me and Camila would like to say something." Dolores smiled at you and Camilo. You knew exactly what they were gonna do, Dolores must've overheard you both last night.

"Lovely Y/N and Camilo were talking last night." Camila started grinning at you both. "And they finally admitted their feelings for each other." Dolores carried on.

Everyone sat down looked at you and Camilo. "Oh god." You whispered but loud enough for Camilo to hear. "Thats my son." Felix gave him a thumbs up.

"So who confessed first?" Pepa asked. "Oh Camilo did." You said giving him a sorry look. Mirabel exchanged a glance at Isabela and Isa gave Mirabel £5.

You and Camili watched in shock. "What the f-" You started but remembered Antonio and Diego were there. "And who kissed who first?" Valeria rested her head in her hands whilst smirking at you both.

"Y/N did." Camilo looked at you and shrugged. "Hell yes!" Lizzy pointed at Valeria and Mateo. "I wonnnnn." She sang.

Everyone laughed but Alma, instead she gave you and Camilo a dirty look but you didn't understand why. You thought she was a better person now.


This is a little rushed I'm so sorry but school exhausts me so yea sorry about that.

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