I found it

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There on the wall was a portrait of a female with long jet black hair and neon green eyes but the pupil of her eyes wasn't black like most it was white no it was the moon a full moon. The green of her eyes looks like a blast of fire, and her eyes were looking down at the book. The same book that we were trying to open. "How can this be?" this female looked almost exactly like Shay but her face was slightly different. They looked so much alike. I starred at the painting there was faint sellout of the people behind her one looked like a witch another a shifter... and the last a wizard I could tell this painting was ages old must be back when we were celebrated rather than hunted.

I turned to the books around us then heard Diana's laughter once again.  We spun around and she stated "what once was shall be again, the fire to ignite, the light to shine, forge the old ways to bring about time." Then she flew out of the hall and down another isle. We ran after her. She stopped at yet another painting. This one was a male blue eyes but again the pupil was the moon. He was standing by a fire place holding that book. Diana smiled at us as she sat by the picture "found the lock but not the key." She stated and flew Josh was right behind her. "what is she talking about?" he shouted as I ran behind him.

We chased Diana all around the library so many different beings had that moon eye. What did that mean and all of them held that book open but in a different position. I stopped running. "it's another riddle find the oldest painting!" I shouted we split up as I ran back to the first woman we saw. Where was that person....


I held her hand as she tossed in her sleep she's been doing that every night. Samuel and my two guards have been gone for a year now and my mate has been unconscious since then. I've had to have a doctor come and hook her up so she would still get the food and nutrients she required to live. Most of my pack thought it was hopeless now. Aray was one of my only friends who believed that we were doing the right thing in keeping her alive. she wasn't on life support she just wasn't moving.  Kira was defending us by taking the authority in shouting at the people who would talk about my mate needing to be put down.

Cleo's been here as well her and Logan have stopped by they've worked things out and well my mate would be happy they were on the same page now and happy. I stroked her hair whispering "it's ok Shay I'm here. Your safe." She settled and I smirked our mate connection was still in affect even in her comma. The door opened and Aray walked in with a tray of food. "eat up Alpha your going to need your strength when she wakes up." I nodded and took the tray. "I hope Samuel finds something to wake her soon. I want her back Aray. I need my mate." He nodded and said "I know." He patted my shoulder and said "just get some rest." He left just as fast. I went back to my mate as I ate the sand which. "wake up soon baby."


The paintings led us to the center of the library we looked around there was nothing here. Then Diana flew around us chanting "things are not always as they appear." I stopped in my tracks. "not as they appear... the Book... Shay's unconscious... the people in the paintings. DIANA! Shay's a warrior right? Then can only she open the book?"  Diana smiled at me and riddled. "re-forge the old ways to change the future. Wake the dead with the words. Change the way with the force, find the key with the lock." I starred wake the dead... Shay needs to be woken by reading that book! Diana smiled as if she knew what my answer came out to be. She nodded then she vanished saying "re-forge the old ways to change the future. Wake the dead with the words. Change the way with the force, find the key with the lock." I nodded as Josh growled throwing a random book at her. "shut up!"

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