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 “he’s known as a shadow creature. They have no true shape or form they live to feed off of power. They don’t feel anything towards another creature. They want what we have, were loved by all creatures and we feel. They want our power and to take the warriors place in the world. Shadow creatures don’t care who they use to get the power they will use them until they are no longer usefull then they will kill them.” I starred that’s what wants my life. “he wants you gone because you’re the only threat to his life now. You’re the only one who can kill him.” I got nervous I had to fight him alone. “honey that won’t be for a while you now know what you are so you will train and become a great warrior.” My dad put his hands on my shoulders. “you’ll be fine.”


“so your Aqua the siren to the warrior?” she nodded and said “my sister is your elder.” I smiled I was meeting the greatest siren in the world. Every Siren knew the legend of Aqua the only siren to leave the cove to guide the warrior. She was a legend to all sirens and here I was talking to her face to face. Nathan was behind me holding me close. Then Aqua spoke saying “Coral you need to know there is a great war coming you and the other will be fighting in it and you will need to train.” I nodded and she said “train hard young siren and help your mate train as well you all need to work together and train hard.”


My father was killed in the massacar but since he helped the last warrior he was here with me now. I’m only fifteen I lost my whole tribe but being the last centuar I get to help the warrior I made new friends, dad ran through the garden I chased him. “you turned to be a great Centaur son.” Dad said coming to a trot, “thanks pops that means a lot.” He smirked and said “son you remember the training you went through?” I nodded and said “I didn’t finish it pops.” He put a hand on my shoulder and took off his soldier long sword. “you did when you chose to free the warrior.” I smiled and he handed me the sword and sheath. “it’s your job now son.”

I nodded and he said “come on now let’s complete all your trainn as much as we can?” I nodded and ran with my father as I showed him the sword technique I learned. My father Dasius was the best fighter in our tribe. Being his son I was proud and wanted to be like my dad and join him in the legend of our people. I trained and glanced at Shay she was talking to the woman who looked like an older version of her I guess she was the old warrior.


I leaned on a tree listening to Quinton the shifter of the counsel. He told me that the warrior was a special kind of wolf so Shay still was a wolf. He alos told me that most wolves who are mates to the warrior usually reject at first. I smriked and he asked “so you realize that you need to train as much as the others being on the counsel?” I nodded and he said “then get up.” I followed Quinton and we shifted and raced through the garden. I noticed every one was training with the counsel of their species. They were going to make us stronger. Shay was talking to her birth parents on a bench as I ran with Quinton. There was no threat here we were completely safe. I liked this feeling no worries here.


I watched as Caleb stood to my right with picture of that woman he snuck when she was in the luna pack. This fool really thought I would let her live if he killed her mate. I was sending him out in a few weeks but right now I had to make sure he would kill her mate no matter what. Even if it killed him. I convinced him that if the mate died she would choose him as he new mate and I wouldn’t have to kill the one and only threat to my existance. He actually believed me. Once I got ride of her mate she would be so depressed and weak I could kill her myself. Then the world would be mine with nothing to stop me! The plan was perfect and would work if Caleb did as I said and never questioned me. So far I’ve come to realive that the warrior has a connection and is turning my men against me. I lost half the force I stated with at the beginning because of that bitch and I wasn’t planning on losing any more of them. She was going to die if it was the last thing I do and to start off her pain her mate would go first.

[author's note: ok so now you all know the name of the real evil guy and what he is. Don't be mad at me for not making him a demon or something you might know about. I completely made up Shadow creature but found a really cool pic on google. yay internet! I hope you guys are really enjoying this stroy and thanks for reading. Also were gettting really close to the ending so... be prepared!.. lol now i got Lion King song in my head. :p don't forget to comment guys. please and thank you!]

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