Anddd I'm dead..

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I thought that it would be peaceful, an escape from the hell called life. However, it came with just a push from a person in my life to lead to the end.




Black. All I could see was black. I was floating in an endless void after what I'd say was my death?


'Done at last! I've finally finished Naruto!' Deciding that I needed a celebration for my dedication to finishing the series, I strolled over to the local ramen shop and brought some miso ramen to-go.

Upon arriving home, I placed the ramen out of the cup and began with the preparations. While waiting for it - and maybe a bit longer - I went to go take a shower. However, in the shower, I was unfortunate enough to slip on a bar of soap and I hit my head on the corner of the door, killing me instantly.

Flashback end

That wasn't ideal... There's nothing to say that if I didn't die that way, I wouldn't have committed suicide any time soon; thanks to those bullies and my parents...


"Hey! Bitch! Get back here you dumbass!"

At that point, I knew it was Hayley, my #1 bully.

"Oh fuck off, Hayley. I'm kinda busy right now, trying to get my ramen."

The bitch then dared to knock the ramen out of my hand and pin me up against the wall by my throat!

"Isabelle, if you don't stay away from Brandon, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Isabelle, that was my name.

"Hayley, you better get your brain checked 'cause I don't have any feelings towards your boy-toy, we're just friends. Stupid ass bitch.."

Hayley then punched me in the face, kicked me in the side so that I fell to the ground, and began the beating-up routine she had accumulated over the years.

Flashback ends

Damn you, Hayley, at least you weren't like my dad...


"Stupid slut! You don't go sleeping with men just because you regret it, if you're sleeping with men it should be for money to buy me my booze!" My father yelled, punching me in the face, kicking me in the side, and then breaking a bottle on the wall next to me and attacking me with the remains.

I tried my best to keep the screams in, to not let him get the satisfaction, but I couldn't help let out a few whimpers.

Once he finished with his daily beating, he left me alone in the room. I grabbed some bandages from the cupboard in the bathroom, used tweezers to remove the pieces of glass - which hurt like a bitch - and then bandaged the wound. Repeating this for every wound, I had to re-wrap a couple of them because the blood managed to seep through.

I couldn't go out in this horrible state as it would ruin my family's reputation so I was permitted to have bandages in the house for cleaning any wounds so they wouldn't seem suspicious to anyone that catches a glimpse of them.

Grabbing my keys, I walked out of the door to grab some booze, preparing for another beating when I got back.

Flashback end

It's all over now... They can't bother me anymore. Maybe I could see mum?

She was never there. I'd waited hours and hours on end, none of which revealed my mother.

Losing hope, I thought I'd never see her again, and that's when I saw a bright light in the distance.

Struggling to pick up my lead-like body, I managed to maneuver my way over to what could be the door to my mother.

Walking through it, everything went black and the sounds of birds chirping filled the air.

Maybe... Maybe this could be the start I was looking for, the equivalent of a restart button, however with my memories intact.

𝙐𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙝𝙖 𝙔𝙪𝙞: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙧 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now