Peace Was Never An Option..

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Letting myself have what is called a lie-in in this world - Sleeping until 10 am - I got out of my bed drowsily, while making my way into the bathroom. Getting into the cold shower definitely woke me up, making me quickly turn the heat up before sighing in satisfaction. Wait... This is not my bathroom - Oh wait, I'm in Konoha. Good job, dumbass.

After mulling over my thoughts in the shower, I switched off the water and stepped out before getting changed into this plain tee I have, thinking about how I really need new clothes.

Stepping into the kitchen, I realized another problem; the lack of food. Without my famous cookies, I would not be able to live another day! I was in and out of that store so quickly, the cashier noticed nothing so I just left some money on the counter - I'm not a thief, don't worry heh - and left.

All I bought was a couple of different ninja outfits: A black qipao dress with a red rose design adorning the sides of the outfit. The traditional ninja sandals I got were in black, 3 pairs of them, and I also got several rolls of bandages, multiple special crystal kunais - very sharp, not fragile - and black fingerless gloves. I wore some of these bandages from my ankles to just below my knees on both legs, which I then strapped a light gray kunai holster to, before wrapping the tops of my arms - just from my shoulders to my elbows - in bandages. I brought several hairbands - plain black - and light blue, navy, and gray versions of my qipao dress. If I graduate - which I plan to without fail - I'll wear my headband securely around my forehead, to present my status as a ninja for the world to see; a proud ninja of Konohagakure. While I was out, I made getting cookies my priority - that was my drive, making me the embodiment of speed. Nevertheless, my trip was a success, having bought everything I needed for the next month.

Snatching a cookie out of the newly-filled cookie jar, I decided to read one of the books I picked up at the library - Yes, I went to the library (smort, I know).

'The History of Shinobi.'

The book was interesting, about the history of the Uchiha and Senju clan - focused around Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju (The First Hokage). About how they strived for peace and created Konohagakure before they then went to war.

It then went into detail about the 'Curse of Hatred' that has been discovered in their descendants, the oldest of which being Ashura and Indra Otsūtsuki, sons of the Sage of Six Paths.

This made me glad that I picked up 'The History of the Otsūtsuki, Uchiha and Senju clan, as well as their predecessors.' After my little reading session, I had gained much more knowledge and before I knew it, I had to sleep in preparation for the Academy.

Perhaps I shouldn't have stayed up as long as I did, but it's too late now. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was lost in the world of dreams - being in a world of my imagination, a world free from the trauma that comes from being in a Shinobi world.

Well, excuse me! They didn't just let children run around with knives, and blowing fire out of your mouth sure as hell wasn't possible! It was absolutely unheard of. We weren't some magical kids with 'superpowers', we were abandoned and left to die in the hell known as school.

My slumber was disrupted, however, by none other than a little pinky. She knocked on my door which made me have to leave the warmth of my bed T^T.

At that moment, we both knew... "Peace was never an option." Now, at least, that my beauty sleep was disturbed. (Don't say you're not beautiful in the comments or I'll shower you guys with endless hugs and tell y'all how important you are. It's the inside that matters, not the outside. You'll always be able to be beautiful in your own, respectful way on the inside, yet how people perceive you is their own fault if they miss out on the gem inside. - Sorry for my little ramble..)

Telling her to go away and slamming the door in my face, I went back to my bed, my brain lingering around the thought that I might be forced to live with a family here as there was barely anyone living alone and space could be made anywhere.

However it was just a matter of time, and with that I closed my eyes to succumb to the peaceful depths of my slumber.

That was the night I slept awfully, so then I knew the academy would be a load of bs in the morning with all the screaming fangirls - or seagulls as I like to call them - and the emo duckbutt (🖤). I'd also get to meet the hyperactive knucklehead ninja, one who gets horrible treatment from the villagers, but remains a ray of sunshine. However, he shines too bright for me.

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