Ch. 7 (fluff!)

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Calli immediately scoops Nana up off the ground, and Ame more gently does the same with Roshi.

"You insane child!" Calli pokes the top of her head, smiling. Nana slowly raises her left hand, revealing the much cleaner watch than what she left with. The four year old giggles, pointing at Ame.

"The other Watson told me to tell you when I got back," she reaches her arm out to hand Ame the watch. "Yours is broken, so she told me to take hers," Amelia takes the newer looking watch, still balancing Roshi with one arm as she admires the watch.

"Where were you, girls?" Calli sets Nana down on the couch, and Ame follows with Roshi. Zuno and Rena are squished together, their knuckles white as they grasp each other's hands, grateful for the fact that Nana and Roshi are safe.

(A/n- I'm too lazy to finish writing this scene and I want fluff so I shall write fluff. Anyway, have fun! -sen)

"Yes, Rena!" Zuno throws her arms above her head as Rena wins the Mario Kart tournament.

"Finally!" Rena jumps off the couch and spins around in place, earning high fives from Ame and Gura as her victorious high dies down. "Now that I've won, you guys wanna play something else?"

Zuno giggles, motioning towards a figure behind Ame slowly walking towards the couch. Ina wraps her arms around Ame's torso from behind, leaning over slightly due to the fact that ~couch~.

Amelia takes Ina's hand in her own, noticing Ina's familiar floral scent. "Hey Ina," she smiles as Ina kisses the top of her head. "What's up, buttercup?"

Gura suddenly perks up from where she was curled up on the other side of the couch. "Hey, I thought I was buttercup!"

Amelia laughs. "Okay, what's up, Ina?"

"Mm, nothing, just felt like being part of this," Ina intertwines her fingers with Ame's. "Actually, will you come here for a minute?"

Ame nods. "Sure," she lets go of Ina's hand and walks around the couch, grabbing Ina's hand again once she reaches her beloved.

Ina leads Amelia down the hallway, out of sight from the others. She grins, lifting their hands slightly above their heads, then spinning Ame around so she can be hugged from behind. Amelia laughs, Ina's arms wrapping around her waist.

Ina spins Ame around again so they face each other, and inches their faces closer together until their noses touch. "Oh, just do it already," Ame whispers as she wraps her arms around Ina's body. Ina separates herself from Ame slightly, shaking her head and smiling that evil Ina smile.

Amelia pulls Ina closer to her and joins their lips for a fraction of a second. "Okay, fine..." Ina leans into Ame, unconsciously pushing her up against the wall. Ina steps back just to the point where she can look Ame in the eye, the eyes she gets lost in every time she sees them.


"This is our fate, I'm yours"

"Ame.." Ina fidgets with her hands where she's sitting on Amelia's bed, watching her finish up some last minute work that she had gotten behind on (spending all her time with Ina, duh, what else).

Ame swivels her chair around to face Ina, smiling at her friend. "Hm?"

"There's something I want to tell you," Ina says quietly, almost a whisper. Ame's eyes shift to Ina's hands, and she realizes how nervous the purple-haired girl is.

"Are you alright?" Amelia stands up, setting her headphones on the chair as she sits down next to Ina. She hesitantly puts one arm around Ina's shoulders, waiting for Ina to signal that the act of affection is okay with her.

Ina nods, leaning into Ame's embrace. "I just.. I can't wait any longer," she sighs.

Amelia rubs Ina's arm. "It's okay, take your time."

"I like you."

~end of flashback~

Ina sighs, back in the present with Amelia. She squeezes Ame's hands, reality slowly setting into her brain. "Should we go back out there, you think?"

Amelia shakes her head. "Not yet. I'm not done with you," she grins, earning a laugh from Ina.

Ame spins Ina around, making her laugh even more, then she dips her and kisses her before picking her back up.

"Okay, now we can go."

As Ina and Ame walk back into the living room, Gura eyes them, eyebrows raised. "Hm... y'all took long," she pulls her knees to her chest and smiles at them accusingly.

"Oh, shush, Gura." Amelia leans over and ruffles the shark's hair as she sits down, fingers still intertwined with Ina's.

Gura giggles. "Okay, lovebirds."

"Are we playing or what?" Zuno drops a handful of Switch game cartridges on the couch between herself and Rena.

"Zu, don't do that, we're gonna lose them," Rena looks through the games, finally holding one up. "Splatoon?"

Rena looks to the others for approval, getting up to put the game card into the console after Zuno, Gura, Ame, and Ina all nod. Ina leans into Amelia's side, already almost half asleep as she savors the last few minutes of Ame not raging.

Once Zuno and Rena have gone to bed and Calli and Kiara have returned with the younger girls from wherever the hell they went after Nana and Roshi got back from time traveling (I'm lazy -.-), all of HoloMyth relaxes in the living room and enjoys some time without the chaos that follows everyone around. Even Kiara is less energetic, though it's all in good nature.

"Mm, Calli, keep playing with my hair," Ina whispers, her face pressed against Amelia's arm as Calli gently runs her fingers through Ina's long violet hair. "I love you guys."

Echoes of "I love you too" float around the room, Ame clinging tighter to the small shark on her lap and the tako attached to her arm. Kiara reaches over her beloved reaper to pat Ina's arm then re-attaches herself to Calli. Ina sits up, taking Calli's hand before she can do anything else, and looping her right arm through Amelia's. Ame kisses Gura's forehead before she rests her head on Ina's shoulder.

Gura takes Ame's hand and runs her fingers over every crease in her skin, looking in awe at the girl she loves. "God, Watson. You're so beautiful it should be illegal," the shark whispers, holding Amelia's hand to her chest.

Ame's cheeks flush bright red. "Shh, that's just you, Gura."

Ina sighs. "Gura's right, you are so unbelievably pretty..." the priestess pats Gura's head with her right hand, causing the shark to grab onto Ina's hand so she has each of her hands occupied by the hands of her favorite people.

Calli squeezes Ina's free hand, her pink hair blocking the vision of a familiar phoenix and the small octopus priestess. "You're pretty too, you know, Ina."

Ina grumbles against Amelia's arm, but everyone else in the room makes noises of agreement to Calli's statement. That is, until they hear light footsteps coming from the hallway. Everyone turns their attention to the shadow making its way into the living room.

Gura jumps off the couch as soon as she sees her tiny shark daughter peek her head through the doorway. Her face is stained with tears, her hands shaking.

"Roshi!" Gura scoops up the four year old without hesitation, and Roshi wraps her arms around Gura's neck. "You wanna come sit with us for a bit?"

Roshi nods, her tiny fingers tangled in Gura's hair. Gura sits back down on the couch, letting Roshi melt into her lap. Ina stays sandwiched between Amelia and Calli, Kiara on Calli's other side. Amelia reaches over to Roshi, gently ruffling her hair. "What happened, Shi?"

"I had a bad dream," the four year old leans into Gura, as if it'll happen all over again. The shark rubs her daughter's back in an attempt to comfort her, and it seems to work, because Roshi is asleep in a matter of minutes.

A/n: ok, this is my favorite chapter. I say that after every chapter, but FLUFF. Also, the ending was rushed, sorry. I just want more fluff aka the next chapter, ok. :D

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