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Dinah was mixing a track finally having time to work on a track without the artist there. Just the other week she was working with some of the great artists of the industry now she rolling her eyes at the new artist's unwillingness to cooperate she needs to get out of this.

She finally finished the track sounding to her liking and was about to leave the studio to pick up her girls however she got a call from the children's hospital.

"Hello this is Dr. McAndrew's office, I was calling to schedule an appointment for your daughter Camila?" the receptionist on the phone piped up

Dinah was processing who was on the phone "Oh, this is the oncologist right?"

"Yes, can I schedule her for tomorrow at 10 am?"

She quickly checked her calendar seeing she had the morning off but in the afternoon she was busy "That should be fine"

"Perfect see you then"

The whole weekend she had managed to not remember that Camila was sick she was so focused on Ally that it never crossed her mind. She shot a text to her youngest to inform her about Wednesday so it wouldn't be a surprise later.


The whole day Camila felt tired, the fatigue was hitting her throughout the day almost making her fall asleep every period. This of course solicited laughs from the Taylors, but Shawn gave her a light tap every time she dozed off.

Taylor was particularly cruel today considering everything that happened on the weekend still didn't mean she was mandated to be nice to Camila.

The three mean girls cornered Camila at her locker. Camila grabbed her books closed her locker and tried to just walk to her next class, they weren't letting though.

"Okay, what do you guys want now?"

"If you want the homework I can give it to you" she was too tired to fight she was willing to give her homework without question

"We heard you were trying out for our soccer team?" the second Taylor spoke

"Yeah so? You guys could use good players" Camila smirked

Taylor felt her anger bubble in her chest again this time without warning she pushed Camila up against the lockers sinking her nails into her shoulders. "Look, that team is mine, if you think you can just waltz in and take what you want you're wrong. Whatever happens with our siblings don't you even think for a second that we will ever be family"

Camila tried to scramble away feeling the ache from her bully's nails "Why would I even wanna be a family with you anyway, and FYI I'm trying out whether you like or not that forward spot is mine" the Latina finally shoved Taylor getting her to release, she walked away heading to the lunchroom to meet Shawn.

"She's not making that team" Taylor whispered to herself clenching her fists


Normani and Raegan sat beside each other, the studio owner was freaking out at the fact she just made out with someone who wasn't her wife. "I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry" the darker woman apologized to her friend and head choreographer

Raegan shrugged "I mean you're a good kisser"

Normani was shocked that Raegan didn't feel guilty about what just happened "Look Raegan this can never happen again, I can't do that to Dinah"

"Fine, by me boss, but you know I'm here for you if you just wanna talk?" Raegan smiled "I'm gonna go see how the dancers are doing and you can do some studio work?" the choreographer left the room

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