Chapter 18: Consequences

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"All Might"


The battle was catastrophic. Eventhough the villain had lost the battle, the people lost something bigger. Hope. The number one hero was going to retire, All Might's era had finally ended.

The public was still shocked by the truth of his real appearance. Most had already accepted it, but the absence of the symbol of peace was starting to show.

The crime rate was going up again, sure not like it used to be before the All Might era, but organizations like the Yakuza and many more villains were spreading their influence all over Japan.

One of the many Hero institution that had suffered this changes the most was in fact UA.

Not only did they temporarily lose two of their students who had been kidnapped by villains, but said villains had also injured one of their teachers and many of their collaborators like Best Jeanist, Rag Doll and so on...

After the incident, the principal had asked the students' families to let them move to the newly built UA dorms as a matter of safety for both.

Inko had reluctantly accepted this proposal after an heated argument with All Might who had came there to tell her what was happening.

At first she was against it, there was no way she was going to trust the school after what happened to her son. If a hero school couldn't be trusted to protect their own students why should she let it happen again.

This resulted in Midoriya angrily walking away from the conversation, before coming back with a letter written by Kota, the kid he had saved at the training camp.

It was a thank you letter. A kid he had saved had wrote to him just to thank him. It might have been something childish for someone else but for Midoriya it was a step further into his career.

All Might also backed him up, promising Inko to protect, teach and take care of him even if it might kill him. Inko ended up agreeing with the proposal at the condition that All Might had to be there for him, that he didn't have to die for him.

Then, a week after, all the students were called rather early to school. Midoriya and Kendo got to school together for the first time after a while, unfortunately for them they weren't able to meet for the past weeks.

That resulted into some separation anxiety, and it showed. Matter of fact, they were closer than ever that they, they didn't even let go of eachother's hands for the whole trip to UA.

Once arrived they met with the other students who where all regrouped in the pathway Infront of a huge building just inside the school campus.

"Hey guys! Any idea why we are all here?" Asked Kendo with curiousity. Tetsutetsu shrugged his shoulders "No clue, I didn't even know classes had started again" he said earning a "why do I bother?" From Kendo.

Tokage chuckled at her boyfriend's antics. "I believe it's because of the new dorms" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"If it's because of that then where are the teachers?" A voice came from behind them, it was Tokoyami holding one of his arms around Asui. The four of them looked at the couple surprised, "Seems like you hit the jackpot ah-" Tokage was cut off by Kendo karate chopping her head.

"It's really not the time for these kind of jokes... But nonetheless, congratulations you two" said Kendo smiling at them. Asui blushed in embarrassment and Tokoyami just scratched his neck and looked away.

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