Chapter 15: Recovery

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"All Might"


A few hours before the events from last chapter occured, the students were transferred inside the closest hospital to treat their wounds. Few of them were still being hospitalised since they had suffered some serious injuries.

People like Todoroki and Tetsutetsu were still knocked out by Mustard's quirk. Others like Yanagi, Setsuna and Uraraka had already recovered and took their time to pay a visit to each of their friends.

For instance Yanagi, Setsuna and Eraser-head were in Tetsutetsu and Shinsou's room visiting them. Shinsou's had almost recovered, his arm, while still wrapped in bandages, it was almost fully healed. Tetsutetsu the other hand was still unconscious from the fight, his upper body and forehead were wrapped in bandages, while some kind of hospital machine was checking on his damaged lungs.

"How are you doing Shinsou?" asked Aizawa standing right before Shinsou's hospital bed. " I'm ok now, my arm still burns from time to time but it's almost healed now" answered Shinsou avoiding his sensei's eyes.

Aizawa knew that something was obviously going on with Shinsou. Being targeted by the villains wasn't something easy to recover from. "Shinsou-kun" said Aizawa gaining Shinsou's attention, " look, I'm not good with words and I really don't know how been specifically targeted by a villain feels like, but I sure damn know when one of my students isn't feeling well... So please, tell me what's going on" he said.

Shinsou's eyes momentarily widened has he looked at the Pro Hero in surprise, then Yanagi placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with empathy "Aizawa-sensei is right Shinsou-kun, it's important for your psychological well-being to express your feelings. Sensei and us are people you can trust, we won't judge you for your own thoughts and feelings." she said making Shinsou even more surprised.

Shinsou looked down and sighed deeply, he placed a hand on Yanagi's as he looked at her making her blush slightly. " thanks" he said, then he turned to look at his sensei.

"I...I feel useless right now. I couldn't do anything while Midoriya-kun and Tokoyami-kun were being held by the villains, and to top it off, I almost chickened out in the forest, almost getting both Tetsutetsu-san and Kendo-san killed... I keep telling myself that I should have been kidnapped instead of them, after all, my quirk is villainous... it's obvious they'd want to take it..." he said as he looked down clenching his fists in frustration.

Suddenly, Aizawa placed a hand on his head making him stop. "Shinsou-kun, first of all, it doesn't matter what your quirk is, is the heart of a person that makes him a hero. Take Bakugou for example, his quirk is really powerful and he could easily take down villains, but his heart and mind are not in the right place... He used his quirk to hurt others and build up is god complex. Now tell me, what did you use it for?" he said.

" To try and save Midoriya..." said Shinsou earning a light karate chop on his head, " exactly" said Aizawa. "You know Shinsou..." said Tokage while holding and gently caressing Tetsutetsu's hand,, " if it wasn't for you Tetsutetsu and Kendo would have been d-dead by now... So please, don't tear yourself down because you hesitated. I wouldn't want to see someone else hurt" she said looking really tired and sad, she almost got no sleep when she heard what had happen during the fight.

Shinsou was confused to say the least, he was glad he had people, no, friends to cheer him up even when they were in far more pain than him. Even his Sensei, the hero and person he looked up to the most, could have been somewhere else taking a break. Instead, he decided to check on him.

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