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"So," the doctor said, putting up some x-ray films. "From what we've been able to find, this little one has had a pretty rough start. We've got multiple healed fractures. Ribs, both arms, left leg, all have healed fractures. The left leg looks like the break wasn't set properly. She's severely malnourished and underweight by at least ten pounds. I'd like to start an IV and get some electrolytes and vitamins in her. Maybe see if we can't get her to eat something."

Josh nodded.

"Mr. Dun, thank you for bringing her to the hospital," the social worker said. "We'll take it from here."

She reached for the girl who clung to Josh as tightly as she could. The social worker pried the girl off of Josh and Josh noted she made not a sound. The distress was evident in her eyes, but she didn't cry, she didn't make a sound. It broke Josh's heart.

He didn't want to leave her. She was alone. She was scared.

The police officer escorted Josh out of the emergency room and he took one more look back at the girl who looked back at him as though he'd betrayed her.

Tyler turned him around and led him out of the hospital. Josh was haunted by her big eyes staring at him as he left her with strangers.

"She's not your problem, Josh. The police and social services will take care of her and find her family."

Josh just shook his head.

He got into his car and drove home. He couldn't get her eyes out of his mind.

At home, Josh tried to put her out of his mind and get some sleep. He tossed and turned all night, plagued by dreams of the girl. Her silence and her eyes.

When he woke up in the morning, Josh picked up the newspaper from his front step. Flipping through it he found a familiar face. Those big blue eyes stared out at him from the page. The headline read: Who is she?

That's what Josh wanted to know. He read the article and found that she was in the care of the Department of Children's Services and would likely be sent to a group home or a foster home if her family didn't come forward. Josh couldn't let that happen to her.

He made some phone calls and left messages. He waited all day by his phone.

Around four o'clock, the phone rang.

"Mr. Dun?" The voice on the other end said.

"Speaking," Josh answered.

"This is Jane Simpson from social services. We met yesterday at the hospital with the girl?"

"Yes. I left your office a message earlier."

"Yes. That's why I'm calling. We can approve you for emergency placement if I can come by and check a few things. I can be there in an hour," she said.

Josh agreed, tidied up a few things and checked the spare room. It was safe enough for a small child, but not decorated for one. He and the girl were going to have to do that. Josh smiled.

Just before five, his doorbell rang and Josh opened it to see the social worker on his porch.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Dun," she smiled. "Thank you for letting me come over on such short notice."

"How's... how is she?" He asked.

"We've seen some very obvious signs of abuse. She's doing alright right now. But she hasn't spoken."

Josh shook his head. Who does that to a child?

Josh and the social worker talked for a few minutes. He gave her a tour of the house and explained how he intended to protect the girl. He showed her the bedroom he thought would be good for her.

"I know it's not decorated for a small child, but I wasn't planning on there being a child here so soon. I thought if I get approved, I could take her to get things for her room. She can decorate it with me."

"That sounds like fun. Are you single, Mr. Dun?"

"No. My fiancée, Debby, is out of town right now."

"How would she feel to find a child in your home?"

"I think she'd be thrilled. Especially knowing the circumstances."

At the end of the interview, the social worker said she would call him within the next two days and let him know if he'd been approved to take the girl on an emergency basis while his foster application was processed. She said his home seemed appropriate for a child and she'd met Jim, Josh's golden retriever, who had stayed by his side, quietly the whole time.

Josh saw her out and then went to sit and tried to watch TV. His phone rang and he saw Debby's name. He smiled. And then swallowed hard.

"Josh! You're home?" She asked.

"Yep. Finished tour last night. How's Italy?"

"It's gorgeous. We're wrapping up here in a few days and moving to our last location, but I had some time and I wanted to catch you. What's new? Anything interesting in Ohio?"

"Uh, you could say that..." Josh said. Then he told Debby the story.

"Do you think she'll approve you? Us? How old is the girl? What's her name?"

"You're okay with this?" Josh asked.

"Of course I am. Josh, your heart is so big. She needs you. And how could I possibly say no to helping a defenceless child?"

Josh smiled. He knew Debby would be on board.

They talked for a little longer before the time difference made it too hard for Debby to stay awake.

Josh made himself a small dinner and fed Jim.

He tried to sleep again, but was plagued with the dreams again.

Two days later, he got the phone call he'd been waiting for.

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