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Josh pulled up to the children's home, nervous and excited. Would she remember him? Would she trust him after she was pulled away from him? Was he ready for this?

He took a deep breath and looked over at his passenger.

"Let's go get your kid," Tyler smiled. Josh smiled back, nervously.

They walked up the path to the front door and spoke to the receptionist.

"Oh, yes. Mr. Dun. Ms. Tracey is expecting you," she smiled, pressed a button and spoke into the phone.

"Mr Dun," another woman came into the reception area. "You're here for our little Jenny Doe, are you?"

"That's her name?" Josh asked.

"That's the name she's been given. She won't tell us her name. So we gave her Jenny Doe. Like Jane Doe?"

"Oh!" Josh said, realization lighting up his face.

Ms. Tracey led Josh and Tyler through the reception area into the back. Josh could hear the sounds of children playing. He looked forward to seeing the girl again.

They entered a room where children aged between two and five were clearly playing. It looked a bit like a kindergarten, some of the children were in a circle being read to. Some were painting and some were playing on indoor structures or building with large cardboard blocks. The room was bright and colourful and Josh could just hear a child's nursery rhyme being sung on a CD player.

He looked around the room to find the girl. And then he found her, sitting in a corner, alone. Her knees curled up and her arms around them.

"Jenny," Ms Tracey said, bending down in front of the little girl. "There's someone here to see you."

Josh bent down in front of the girl. She looked different with her hair brushed and washed, her face cleaned of the dirt and in clean clothes. Her eyes registered recognition when she saw Josh. Her eyes flickered to Tyler and back to Josh.

"Hi there sweet girl. Remember me?" Josh asked, putting his hand out. The girl just looked at him. There was no emotion in her eyes.

"So," Josh said. "I talked to the lady who took you at the hospital, and she said you could come stay at my place while we try to find where you belong.  What do you think?"

She looked suspiciously at Josh.

"I even got a child's seat for you for my car. And there's a surprise at the house.  If you want."

Jenny looked at Josh. Josh didn't think she looked like a Jenny.

Tentatively, she put her arms up for Josh to pick her up.

"She doesn't walk," Ms Tracey said. "We aren't sure if it's physical or developmental. I suggest you find a Pediatrician and maybe get her evaluated for developmental delays."

Josh nodded as he picked the small girl up. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Josh follows Ms Tracey out of the room. A small bag was waiting at the reception area with a couple of changes of clothes for the girl. Josh would have to take her shopping.

He signed a few papers, left what info they needed and they left.

Josh tried to put the girl in the car seat, but she was having none of it.

"Sit with her in the back," Tyler said. "I'll drive."

It wasn't ideal, because she needed to be in the car seat, but they'd make do for now. Josh pulled the seatbelt around them again, and sat back, rubbing the girl's back.

She melted into him.

When they pulled up to the house, Josh picked up the bag of clothes and the girl and walked towards the door.

"Hey," he said looking at the girl in his arms. "Do you like dogs?"

She looked suspiciously at Josh. He smiled.

"I have a dog. His name is Jim. He's very friendly. I promise."

Josh unlocked the door and Jim came up to him and sniffed at the girl's sneakered feet. She drew her legs up and clung tightly to Josh.

"This is Jim," Josh said.  He didn't bend down to being the girl closer to the dog. He decided she'd need to warm up to Jim on her own. He stroked the dog's head. The girl peeked out from his shoulder and looked at the dog. Jim looked up at her expectantly, wagging his tail.

"You can pet him if you want," he encouraged her.

She put her hand out to pet Jim, who licked her hand. She snatched it back and pulled herself tighter to Josh.

"Okay. Jim is friendly. You can pet him when you're ready."

He took the girl over to the couch and sat down with her in his lap. Jim lay at his feet. The girl held tight to Josh.

"Okay. For starters, your name clearly isn't Jenny. But you can't tell me what it is, just now. Can you?  So, how do you feel about the name Magnolia? Since I found you on Magnolia Street. And I can call you Maggie for short.  Thoughts?"

The girl looked at Josh.

"Okay. Maggie it is," he smiled. "Until you can tell me what your real name is."

Tyler sat in a chair across from Josh, watching him with this tiny girl. Josh was great with Tyler's daughter, Rosie, but watching him with this child, Tyler knew Josh was in the right place at the right time.

"Now," Josh said to Maggie. "You know Tyler, right?"

She looked over at Tyler.

"Tyler has a wife named Jenna and a daughter named Rosie. They want to meet you, but I think we'll wait a day or so?  Also, I have a fiancée named Debby. She's away right now, but she'll be home in a week or so. She lives here too."

Maggie pointed at Tyler.

"Tyler lives in his own house," Josh smiled.

"Josh, I think you're going to be okay. Call me or Jenna if you need anything, okay?"

Josh nodded. Tyler let himself out of the house and headed home.

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