Bounce Man

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Maggie did indeed spike a fever after they got home. They were sitting on the couch watching TV, Maggie curled up into Josh. She'd been tired by the time they got home, and Josh figured a low-key day was what she'd need.

They had stopped at the drugstore and Josh had picked up a couple of sippy cups and a couple of bottles not knowing which Maggie would be able to use. He also got Motrin and a few picture books for Maggie to flip through. He'd also been sure to get a thermometer.

Maggie dozed while Josh watched TV. As they lay there on the couch, Josh could feel her getting warmer. He carefully got up and carried her into the kitchen where the medication was. He checked her temperature first, though she wasn't thrilled with it. He'd gotten an ear thermometer, figuring that'd be easier.

"101.3, little pumpkin," he said, smoothing back her hair. She laid her head on his shoulder. "Feeling a little miserable, huh?"

He kissed the top of her head.

Josh measured out a dose of Motrin into the syringe and put it in Maggie's mouth. She swallowed it with no problem. Josh then got a sippy cup and put some juice in, which he diluted a bit, so it would be easier on her tummy. He handed Maggie the cup, which she took and drank from. Okay, bottles could go back to the store.

She took two big pulls of juice and put her head back down on Josh's shoulder.

"Okay, Peanut. Let's go lie down again, hey? We're gonna have a quiet day today, okay?"

He lay back down on the couch with Maggie curled up on top of him. She whimpered a little.

"Aw, pet. I bet you feel a little miserable, huh? The medicine should work soon, and hopefully you'll feel better. You just try to nap a little, okay?"

Maggie clung to her sippy cup and curled up into Josh.

As she fell asleep, Josh's phone rang. He answered it quickly and quietly. It was Tyler.

"Hello?" Josh whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Tyler asked.

"Maggie's asleep on me."

"How did the doctor go?" Tyler asked.

"Okay. We have a ton of referrals. Speech, occupational, physical, and a nutritionist. She might be closer to five and weighs less than a three year old. She can probably learn to talk because she has vocalized some, and right now she's got a bit of a fever because she had three shots."

"Awww. Poor kid. You need anything?"

"Well, I found out she can use a sippy cup. The kind with two handles and a soft mouthpiece? If you have a chance, I could use a few more. I only bought two because I didn't know if she'd be able to use them.

"Okay. I was going to offer to come over with dinner, but if Maggie's under the weather, we'll hold off."

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks."

Maggie stirred in her sleep a little and Josh put his hand on her back and rubbed. She settled.

Jim came over and sniffed at her.

"Jim, let her sleep. She'll play with you later."

Josh lay there watching TV and taking pictures of Maggie asleep on him.

The phone rang again and Josh didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" He said quietly.

"Mr Dun?" The voice asked.


"My name is Pamela Spring. I'm a physical and occupational therapist at Nationwide Children's. We got a referral from Dr Peterson for a Magnolia Doe?"

"Oh. Yes. Maggie," Josh said. "At least, that's what I'm calling her for now."

"Okay. Well, we can see Maggie tomorrow at two for an assessment."

"Really? Wonderful. We'll be there."

The therapist gave him directions to the clinic and Josh tried to remember them. He was sure in the hospital he could get directions if he forgot.

After he got off the phone with the physio and occupational therapist, the speech pathologist called and was able to see Maggie on Thursday and then the nutritionist Thursday afternoon. They had a couple of very busy days ahead.

Maggie stirred again and looked up at Josh.

"Hey Punkin'," he smiled. "Hungry? Maybe some chicken soup?"

Maggie put her head down again. Josh got up and carried her to the kitchen. While he warmed the soup, he held on to her. She felt a little cooler so he checked her temperature to be sure.

"99.8," he said. "I bet you feel a little better."

When the soup was warm, but not hot, he took it off the stove, wrapped a towel around Maggie and sat with her in his lap and spoon fed her the soup.

"Chicken noodle soup, the best when you feel icky, huh?" 

Maggie ate about half the soup before she wouldn't take anymore.

"Okay, Peanut. You did good."

Josh stood up and carried Maggie around the house, just to get some movement going, since he'd been lying on the couch all morning. Maggie still had her head on his shoulder and was whimpering a little bit still. Josh felt her head and wasn't sure if she was warm again, but picked up her turtle blanket and wrapped it around her. He took her out onto the back deck so he could let Jim out, too. Jim ran out and did his business, then came back and sniffed at Maggie. Maggie looked at Jim. She put her hand out and Jim came closer. She touched his head gently.

"Uff uff," Maggie said.

"That's right!  Jim's a dog and dogs say 'woof woof'," Josh smiled, holding Maggie up and looking in her eyes.

He hugged her to him.

"You're gonna be okay, Peanut," he smiled.

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