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Jisoo and Ella arrived at the orphanage and they  greeted by the sister's.

Good morning Ms. Kim welcome back here one of the sister said.

Good morning sister dolly Jisoo said and smile at her.

It's nice meeting you again Ms. Kim for sure the childrens will be happy to meet you again. Sister dolly said.

Sister dolly is right children's miss you a lot they asking me if when you visit again sister Anna said.

I miss them too sister dolly and sister Anna and by the way where's Lisa and Jennie Jisoo ask.

They are playing with kids come lets go there sister dolly said.

They went to the playground because the kids were there and also JenLisa is there too playing with kids.

Hello kids sister dolly said.

Unnie pretty your here one of the kid said she run towards Jisoo and hug her.

Hello Sofie how are you Jisoo ask. She carry the kid.

I'm good unnie pretty I miss you a lot Sofie said kissing Jisoo on her cheeks.

Unnie chu the others childrens went to  Jisoo and hug her legs. Jisoo giggle.

Hello kids I miss you all Jisoo said.

We miss you too unnie pretty they all  said.

Let's go let's play with them Jisoo said.

Everyone is playing including Jennie and Lisa. Ella was playing with other kids.

Hello Unnie Jennie one of the kid said.

Hello kid what's your name Jennie ask.

My name is Lucas the kid said.

Hello baby Lucas nice to meet you this is Lisa my girlfriend Jennie said and smile.

Wow your so pretty unnie Jennie just like unnie Jisoo and also you your pretty handsome Lucas said and smile widely.

Thank you Lucas and your right my future wife is very beautiful Lisa said. Jennie blush.

Jennie unnie is blushing Lucas said he giggle.

Do you want to play with us Lucas Jennie ask.

Yes unnie please play with me Lucas said with his puppy eyes.

Okay we will play let's go Lisa said she Carry Lucas and went to the slide to play.

Unnie Jisoo look at them they are happy Ella said to her sister.

Yeah your right Ella they are happy Jisoo smile seeing childrens playing and laughing she make happy too.

Unnie were so lucky because we're not them they don't have a family because their mother or father abandoned them I'm so sad for them Ella said.

We are lucky Ella Jisoo said she patted Ella Head.

Unnie look at there unnie Jennie and Unnie Lisa is so happy with Lucas Ella said.

They look cute I imagine when Jennie and Lisa will have a family Jisoo said.

They will be a great mother and father unnie they are the best parents just like mom and dad Ella said with a big smile on her lips remembering their memories with her parents.

Yeah Ella and I'm happy for them Jisoo said and smile too.

How about you unnie how's your heart did you find some one Ella ask. Jisoo shook her head.

I'm not yet ready Ella Jisoo said.

Why it's because of him unnie Ella ask again.

It's not important Ella let's not talk about it I'm happy with my life now Jisoo said and smile a bit to her sister.

Okay unnie I'm sorry Ella said and hug Jisoo tight.

It's okay baby don't worry Jisoo said hugging Ella too.

It's already 3pm Jisoo said good bye to all the kids and to all sister's there.

Good bye kids we'll see you again soon always behave here okay Jisoo said.

Yess unnie Jisoo we will see you again soon thank you for your time to us we love you unnie all kids said.

We love you too kids Jisoo said and smile at them.

Thank you for new toys and clothes unnie Jennie and Unnie Lisa we really like it they all said.

Your always welcome kids see you again soon bye Lisa said and wave her hands.


They reach the house and went to the living room.

I'm happy to see them unnie Jennie said and smile.

Me too unnie I'm so happy to spending time with them Ella said.

I'm happy too I really miss them Jisoo said she went to the kitchen to drink a water.

Unnie I'm going to my room now I need to take a bath Ella said.

Okay baby Ella Jennie said. Ella went to her room.

You look good with Lucas Jennie and Lisa Jisoo said.

He is really cute and sweet unnie I love him Lisa said.

Me too unnie I love him too he's a nice kid Jennie said.

Soon you will build a family and the two of you will be Happy Jisoo said.

Thank you unnie any way I'm going now dad and mom call me they need me Lisa said.

Okay Lisa bye and take care Jisoo said.

Okay hon take care and I love you always Jennie said she kiss Lisa on cheeks.

Bye hon I love you too Lisa said and she leave the house.

Let's take a rest Mandu Jisoo said. Jennie nooded both of them went to their room.

Hello guys sorry for not updating 🙁 Thank you so much to all my Readers thank you for reading and voting I really appreciate ILY all 💗🥰😍😘

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