Chapter 40

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"Bye honey!" I called, waving to Paul for only another moment before he disappeared around the corner. I let out a sigh. Cynthia turned to face me with a big, warm smile on her face.

"Are you ready for one last girl's night out?"

I snorted and clasped my hand onto her shoulder. "Please Cyn, I'm getting married, not dying. This will not be our last girl's night."

A smile spread across her face as she took me by the arm, guiding me down the opposite end of the hall. We walked in silence for a moment before anyone spoke.

"So where are we going, exactly? And is it just you and I?"

She chuckled. "Well it wouldn't be much of a party with only two people, now would it?"

Now standing in the center of the hotel lobby, Cynthia stopped abruptly. I gave her a confused look, but she ignored it. She seemed a little nervous, though I couldn't possibly imagine why. "Outside waiting for us is Pattie and -"

"And me," said a voice from behind me. Cynthia quickly covered her mouth, trying to mask the smile that had broken out on her face. I recognized it almost instantly, my eyes widening as I flew around to face the woman I hadn't seen in two years.

"Mom," I choked, suddenly very emotional. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her against me tightly. I was almost scared that if I let go, she would disappear again. I could feel the warm tears on her face against mine and quickly realized that I was crying as well.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked when I was finally able to pull away and speak again. She looked beautiful; her hair had grown out, nearly down to her belly button. She wore a flowing white top and dark blue bell bottoms. Much different than the accountant that I used to know her as while growing up.

"I've been in California for the past two years," she began, and I gasped.

"Mom! America? Oh, is it just lovely over there?"

She gave me a warm smile. "Yes, it was beautiful. You would have loved it."

There was a small awkward silence for a few seconds before she continued.

"I felt awful for leaving you and your father, but it was something I just had to do. I needed time to myself, time to heal. But I did leave you, and I'll never forgive myself for that."

I gave her a small smile. Yes, I was hurt when she left, but I understood. We were all broken when we lost Elizabeth. I would have left too, if I could. Taking in what she had just said, my expression quickly turned solemn.

"Mom, you do know that Dad-?"

"Yes, honey, I know," she said quickly, cutting me off. Her eyes glazed over with tears, but the smile quickly returned to her face. "But tonight we're all here to have a good time together. I've been in town all week and I've been so excited for tonight!"

I gave a confused look. "All week?"

"We wanted it to be a surprise," Cynthia said quickly with a worried expression on her face. "We thought it would be a nice little wedding gift." She winked at me.

A smile broke out on my face and my mother returned it, cupping my face in her hands. "I can't believe my daughter is getting married! And to a rock star, no less!"

I suddenly had a new-found excitement to get this bachelorette party going. With my two best friends (Cyn, Pattie and I had become awfully close the last few months) and my beautiful mother at my side, I couldn't possibly have a better party than the one I was sure I was about to have.

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