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Another body of a demon who wasn't lucky enough to survive a day in hell while other demons and sinners were just walking by the corpse going through their everyday afterlives. Though on this day there seem to be less demons walking in the city. Up high on the roof of a random building stood a particular demon. He stood at a height of 5'11 ft (6'1 if you count his cyan horns) Black hair with cyan highlights at the end. His skin is dark blue skin with small scars, one across the nose, one on the side of the end of the left eye and one on his neck, and his eyes being all black with a cyan iris and pupil his attire being a gray Long sleeve shirt, a black bandana mask hanging around his neck, a light gray trench coat with a cyan shoulder armor and a cyan pattern on the forearm and a cyan skeleton rib pattern that connects to the back, dark gray fingerless gloves, Black pants with light gray boots with a skull emblem on the front, finally while hidden in his coat was a his tail same color as his skin with an arrow like end. This fellow was just enjoying a meal he bought from a store nearby just viewing Pentagram city.

Finishing his meal he put the used napkins and empty cup in the paper bag his food was originally in and scrunched it up to a ball and threw it off the building as it landed on the street. Some would call it littering but it's hell anything illegal is legal. Standing up from the ledge where was sitting he stretched a bit, cracked some bones in his body and took out his Hellphone from his pocket seeing a time being countdown. "Seven more hours till the Extermination" he stated as this 'Extermination' or some others call it Extermination day, or the cleansing is a day where some Exorcist from heaven come down and purge Demons on plain sight no mercy given, this day happen once every year sort of like the news years eve event, The reason this happens is because hell has become overpopulated with too many sinners and Demons. As far as anyone knows the Exorcists mostly invade the Pride ring. 'I wonder if these guys invaded some other places besides the city?' Thought the man as he then put his hand in his other pocket and brought out some earbuds and connected them to his phone from bluetooth.

"I should probably find Azre time runs fast in this place" he said as he then stood near the ledge of the building and played a song on his playlist and nodded his head as the music started
{play music up top}

One step forward, One step backwards, One step forward, One step backwards

Just as the lyrics spoke he took a step forward and backward as he did a twirl as he raise his arm pointing to the sky then his head looking down as his arm was back down and then put his hands on his ears pretending to block the outside noise, then once his hands were down made a x with his arms then nodding his head as he then shakes his head side to side then leans back as he took a exhale and twirls as he fell off the building not before he took out a knife from his coat and stab it on the building as it decrease the speed rate of his fall and one near the ground he jumped off the wall and walked down the sidewalk rocking a little to the beat of the music.

I do my little lonely dance, I don't need you to understand, And there's no way I'm stopping, It's like nobody's watching, As I do my little lonely dance

As he kept walking, sometimes following the beat and paying deep attention to the lyrics like taking more steps forward and backwards as some other demons passed by him, some giving him weird looks, others glared as most weren't fond of others being in a good mood. The looks didn't go unnoticed by him as he kept nodding his head then shaking his head side to side then did a hand motion for others to come at him thinking it's part of the song. As one daring demon approached him from behind ready to give him a beating before a blue tail came out of the coat and made his attacker trip and as he was in mid fall...

Do my little lonely dance, Performing for my only fan, 'Cause it's my kinda party, My room is where my heart is, I do my little lonely dance

He twirls around with same knife in his hand and slits the demon's throat as blood was pouring the guy twirls the knife and stabbed another demon from behind since he tried to get the jump on him as the guy shakes his head side to side as he threw the demon's dead corpse to the road that a random car crashed to it and startled the driver as he crash his car to other demons as The blue skin humanoid demon kept walking listening to song side stepping side to side then side flipping as he took a deep breath and exhale put a hand on his chest rocking his shoulders back and forth before bringing his index finger in front his mouth motion to be quiet.

A Helluva Journey with the Demon DuoWhere stories live. Discover now