That's Entertainment part 1

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Happy Hotel

Zalgrath was asleep in his new room at the Hotel his jacket still back in the lobby tossed to the side as he just laid on the bed eyes shut, as it was peace and quiet in the room, meanwhile back in the lobby Charlie looked over Zalgrath's Application still having that charming smile since now she has two more employees to help in her passion project. Vaggie on the other hand was still deep in thought on how Zalgrath told her that he gave himself the scars. At first glance she didn't really trust him since she doesn't really trust men but something about Zalgrath made an exception since he too supports Charlie's ideal and that wasn't like to take advantage that was true from the heart and people thought demons never had heart. She then looked over at Azregul who was testing his leg if he was good enough to walk due to his healing taking time due to damage by holy weapon. She walked over to him as he only struggled a little to stand up.

"You know maybe still rest for a while before trying to get up" Az heard Vaggie say to him he looked to her before brushing it off "I'm just gonna get a drink and get back to resting" As he stand up trying to take his first step the pain kicked in and he sat back down. "Damn" Azregul hissed before looking to his side to see Vaggie with a bottle of water in hand. "Here" Az accepted the bottle as he opened it and drank from it, he looked at vaggie as there was something on her mind. Charlie walked back to the office to put away the application as Azergul asked "So he told you that he gave himself those scars''

"Why did he do that to himself? He's not a complete psycho is he?" Vaggie asked concerned as she thought maybe it was a mistake to hire him because he could be playing with them. "If i were to actually be honest don't judge him too quickly because of what he said" Azregul said looking down at the bottle "Zal is actually a nice guy and pure soul but there are somethings that are a mystery that even I can't figure out" Vaggie looked with interest before asking "What things you mean are mystery?" Azre looked up before saying "We'll when we first met I thought he was a sinner due to seeing tears in his eyes i thought maybe he was a pure soul in his past life but came to the wrong place but next thing i see is him with his angle knife and cutting that corner in his eye and that was just his second scar his first being the one across his nose and that was already there when I met him so he wasn't sinner"

"So hellborn?" Vaggie asked "That what i thought too but if he is a hellborn why is some traits of him are different from a normal hellborn, one he had that angel knife with him and is a master of using it knowing what it's used for and he even has knowledge of human activities and techniques Hunters from  the human world use to torture demons and angels" Vaggie looked surpised as she never thought a hellborn had knowledge of angel weaknesses she then decided to change the subject "so that weapon of yours it hurts the Exterminators as well?" Looking at the sickle Azregul grabbed it and let Vaggie looked at it explaining, "Yep before it was just my regular demon killing weapon but after I met Zal he stole an Exorcist weapon and modified it to this beauty now able to kill demons and angles"

They both talk more learning about one another as Vaggie revealed that she was a sinner in her past life but can remember, as well as Azregul saying that was in the progress of being an overlord of hell, Throughout their conversation they both shared some fun stories of their own adventure like from how Vaggie and Charlie came across their first client for the Hotel a Porn Star named AngelDust who was very hard for them to come to terms with, to Azregul telling how he and Zal came across a overlord who tried to get in their pants,  Vaggie throughout her life not trusting men made an exception that Azregul and Zalgrath are two she can trust to how they're not like the other Demons she's come across in this Hell.

Meanwhile Charlie looked over at the two and her grin grew wider as this was the first time she saw her best friend actually getting along with someone and that's the opposite gender. For as long as Charlie knew Vaggie only trusted her and always stayed by her side not that she was against it but Vaggie needed to be more open up with others besides her. Once putting away Zalgrath's and Azregul's application away she looks at the time to see that the End of Extermination day was almost there though her being the princess of hell she can still feel some demons from the outside being tortured and brutally executed from the Exorcists. Walking out of the lobby a sad expression came over her face and she walked down the Hall.

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