That's Entertainment Part 2

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Last we left off was when both Charlie and Zalgrath performed a musical on 666 news and well let's just say it went to shit because the audience of hell don't really believe in redemption. Pretty much then afterward Charlie tried to regain her confidence by making them believe she's making progress with the pornstar Angel dust but that got shot down quick when Angel was in a Turf war with his girl pal Cherri Bomb, so to clear up the chaos Zalgrath went to get Angel while Azregul tried to get charlie and Vaggie out of the feud with Katie. Now Zakgrath arrived to the scene and got both Angel and Cherri out of the commotion after using a mysterious ability he kept secret, unaware that someone watched him from behind the scenes now we see Zalgrath with Angel and cherri as they were hiding in an alleyway, away from the news broadcasters and Sir Pentious, Zal took a moment to send his location to Charlie to see if she and the others can pass by to pick them up. Meanwhile Angel and Cherri were both in dazed of what the fuck just happened with the blue fire before Cherri regained her composure and looked at the blueskinned Demon and grew a smirk before standing and walking towards him.

As Zal looked around to see if the Limo was in sight he felt something pressed against his back and he turned around to see Cherri with her smirk as she wrapped her arms around him. "Well I don't think we haven't been properly introduce, Names Cherri Bomb" she said as Zal only have a deadpanned expression "Yeah I know who you are I saw you on the news" he replied as Angel regain his composure and entered the conversation "Didn't expect you to be good at hand to hand Blueberry i just thought Fire arms were your style with that gun you pulled on me earlier in the day" Zalgrath only glared at angel as he wasn't in a good mood "Oh trust me that's gonna be now used on you after the shit show you just put on TV, seriously what are you doing out here I knew leaving you by yourself was a mistake" Zal angrily said as he got Cherri off him and looked at the Spider sinner. "Hey calm your boner dude I was just gonna do a quick pass by to a couple of demons and be on my way back if that Snake shit didn't destroy my drugs" Angel replied as Zal's eye twitch.

"That's it! You got involved in a fight because you got your drugs destroyed, you do realize that you were broadcasted on live TV and that was when Charlie then announced you would help us with the hotel by being our first patron setting an example of others to follow your footsteps!" Zal replied while Angel just shrugged "Well if they're following my footsteps they're going in the right direction" he replied as Zalgrath only facepalm before felt someone leaning on him and looked to his right side to see Cherri with her smile still showing. "You can be mad at Angie all you want but nothing changing her mind, also gotta say you wouldn't mind joining in some of my fights would you both out in the street and in bed" Zal got a purple blush on his face as before as Cherri and now in front of him wrapping both arms around his neck and leaning closer but before she could pull another move the sound of a car horn got the attention of the 3 demons as the looked to the the Magne Limousine in front as the the door opened to reveal Azregul. "Alright we made get in befor-" Az paused for a moment to see Cherri close to Zalgrath who still had a purple blush "Am I interrupting something?" he asked as al snapped out of his nervousness "No in fact you came at the just the right time."

"That's what she said'' Both Azregul and Zalgrath looked at Angel with a deadpan expression before "In the Limo now" Zal commanded Angel as he did was he was told and Zal got Cherri off him again and followed Angel not before Cherri grabbed his arm getting his attention and looked at her to see her having a slip on paper in her hand "My Number I wasn't joking about you joining me along, I wanna see what else you're packing" and with that Cherri backed away before running off leaving Zal with the slip in his hand and then he entered the Limo and saw charlie hugging her knees and feeling sympathy we walked over as sat next to her as the Limo went on road. Charlie was looking down when her jacket was ruined after Katie Killjoy attacked her, while Vaggie sat on her other side as she and Azregul, who sat on the side seats, were glaring furiously at Angel Dust. As Charlie gave a sigh, Vaggie's eye twitched, Azregul had his sickle in hand twirling it and Angel Dust can be seen amusing himself by playing with the car window roller repeatedly, at the moment Vaggie scrunched up her face as Angel took notice. "...What?" That just got ignore as vaggie yelled "'What?', WHAT?! What were you DOING?!" Vaggie rips a few of her hair off as Angel just sighs and responded "I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a "redeeming quality"? Helping friends with stuff?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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