RWBY Chibi Ch.2

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Cat Burglar

3rd Pov

Team LADR were making their way towards a particular room where Team RWBY was, with a plate of cookies in Cyra's hand. Funny enough during the last few days, Blake's been mysteriously disappearing, and every time Brisa or Owen would ask her about it, she would make up an excuse and leave. Finally, they had arrived.

Brisa: "Hey guys!"

As Brianna spoke up her team sat and took a sit on one of the comfortable on the chairs near the couch they were sitting on. Cyra grab one of the cookies she has and took a bite. She asked Ruby if she wants some, but soon enough Cyra regretted to say those words, because the moment those words left her lips, Ruby ate all of them in a flash. Cyra just kept blinking her eyes as she try to process what just happened. Cyra shook her head a bit, trying break her trance.

Cyra: "So, what are you girls watching?"

Yang: "Nothing yet. But a news is about to start."

And soon enough, it did. A news reporter or anchorwoman for the Vale News Network, named Lisa Lavender, was on the screen.

Lisa: "Reports of a cat burglar being on the prowl in Vale have flooded the police department this week."

Brisa, Cyra, Josh, Raiden, Yang, Ruby, and Weiss gasped in shock at what they heard from the news.

Lisa: "Whether these claims are legitimate or merely a yarn, citizens are encouraged to stay indoors."

Yang switches the TV off as they all turned towards Blake, suspecting her due to her being...part cat. Blake looks a bit nervous about this, but she immediately composes herself to speak.

Blake: "Seriously guys?"

She jumps off the couch as she taps her foot in annoyance.

Blake: "Seriously? You're gonna call me a cat burglar just because I'm part CAT? That's real mature."

Brisa: "Don't be so judgemental, Blake. We were just curious... *mutters* So, that's why she's been disappearing this last few days? What's reason why she's doing this anyway?"

Brisa's thoughts were interrupted when Blake continued.

Blake: "You know, I have half a mind to report you guys to Glynda. What you're all doing is profiling. You all disgust me."

And with that, Blake rushes off, but not before dragging a flower plant with her.

Ruby and rest looks at Brisa, but she gave them a shrug.

What they didn't know is that the raven-haired girl rushed sneakily behind them, and somehow managed to grab Yang's bike keys from her pocket, earning a surprised yelp from the girls. Our eyes widened in shock and Brisa decided to chase her as she makes her way to the garages.

Brisa: "NO!! No no no nonono.... Blake!!! BLAAAAAAKE!!!"

Meanwhile, back with the rest of the team they just sat there completely shocked at what just happened.

Josh: "Well, that was unexpected..."

They heard Brisa's yells and warnings as they heard Yang's bike engine start and speeds away. Then suddenly the TV powers on along with the news.

Lisa: "Breaking news: Police have engaged the alleged cat burglar in a high speed chase. The suspect is fleeing on a yellow motorcycle with what appears to be a cartoonishly large amount of stolen goods falling from the bike. There is also seems to be a person chasing the said burglar. The person is seemed to be a young girl running at an incredible speed after the said bike. What will they think of next? Back to you Cyril."

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