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1 year later.

"Jungkook! Can you move faster? Our parents are waiting for us for dinner." You said to the guy who was still in the room.

Me and Jungkook decided to live together but instead of sharing our own money to buy a house, his dad manage to find us a pretty place to live in. At first I didn't take it and refused to his dad's offer but his Mom spoke to me pleading to take what her husband was offering. She was kind to me all the time and she even spoil me on everything like her own daughter, even though I am not telling her what I want, she still manage and offer me everything. So because of her pleading I accepted their offer because I didn't want to hurt their feeling. I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

I like her so much too, besides she is my boyfriend's mother and of course I respect Mrs. and Mr. Jeon. But it doesn't mean I can take all what they will give me, it'll be rude for me if I do that. They maybe are spoiling me because I am their son's girlfriend but I still have my rights to refuse or not if I want to, and I'm happy because they respect and understand me and my decisions.

My family and his family became really close to each other since then, when we were still in college. Because as you all know Me and Jungkook became in a relationship but ended up breaking up... And that moment was more than 3 years ago. But we all forget that because we are now happy together with each other. We are arguing sometimes but... We may argue a lot but we aren't letting the night pass as we are still arguing because we both don't want to sleep without in each other's arms and we don't want ending up our arguments until tomorrow.

Many people say that it's bad for a relationship to argue overnight and still arguing until the day comes and we both know that and we both believe in that.

We love each other so much and we don't want to end up our relationship like what happened before.

I am happy now seeing myself happy with the man I love.

"Jungkook! Let's go!" You shouted. You watch him walk down the stairs and run towards you. "What?" He asked looking at your face. You were glaring mad at him because he made you wait for 5 minutes. "Jungkook you are so slow! Didn't you realize? You were making me wait for more than 5 minutes now and our parents are waiting for us for about an hour now." You glared at him while crossing your arms below your chest.

"Okay... I'm sorry. I was on a call with some business stuff like that. Did I made you mad, baby?" You look at him in disbelief because he still really have the time to cling on you in this moment. "Isn't it obvious, Jeon Jungkook? You're literally making your girl wait." You turned your back around, your back is now facing you. "I'm sorry. But... I like the sound of it when it's coming from your mouth. 'Your girl' huh?" He mimicked you and teased you. "We're very late now. We have to go. Our parents must be very angry and bored now there." "And it's all Jeon Jungkook's fault." You continued and said his full name.

You actually call him or say his full name, Jeon Jungkook, when you're literally mad or upset to him. Especially when he did something you don't like it when your on your period and he sometimes don't give you the attentions you want from him.


While you both was still in the road. The car was filled with emptiness when you broke it. "Jungkook?" You spoke. "Yes baby?" He asked in a calm tone of his voice but deep. "It's July 9 today right?" You asked looking at him. "Yeah it is. Why?" He asked. You look at him. "Do you remember anything today?" You asked making him raise his one brows.

Today is our 1st year anniversary. Did he forgot our 1st year anniversary? Did he? Maybe he did, you know because of his busyness in work in their company.

You hadn't told him about today but you knew he know what's today. You were kind of sad because he maybe forgot it because of his busyness in the business they were on. But you didn't make him notice it on your face. You were too afraid he might worry about you just because he forgot your anniversary.

"No. Why? Did I forgot something today?" You felt sad inside because he did actually forgot your anniversary. "No. I was just checking if you forgot anything, you know, meetings?" You said still feeling sad. "Oh is that it. I don't have any meetings today that's why we are having a dinner together with our parents." He smiled, looking at you for a second and back to the road. "Hmm... Okay." You said and putted your head on the car door looking at the sunset outside.

He forgot our 1st year anniversary. I thought he would tell me about today before I could tell him but he literally forgotten about it. Haaa~

You sighed so hard still thinking he have forgotten about the special day of the both of you.

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