smol art dump

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aight so I haven't posted much in a while

but I swear I've been super busy, I've been DMing for new people, watching movies, hiking, ect.

anyway heres the art

A group shot of the World Below cast, Tanner was fun to draw (I was gonna put Stacy in but I'm lazy so)

A group shot of the World Below cast, Tanner was fun to draw (I was gonna put Stacy in but I'm lazy so)

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Here's a couple new dnd characters I made

Felix, a very pessimist faun who's scared of fire. (he got burned pretty bad one time) also his name means happy in latin, which is ironic

And Ignis, a very charming fire genasi monk who'd rather talk to pretty girls than fight UwU

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And Ignis, a very charming fire genasi monk who'd rather talk to pretty girls than fight UwU

And Ignis, a very charming fire genasi monk who'd rather talk to pretty girls than fight UwU

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For some reason all my dnd characters are male

eh idc

That's all for now


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