Art dump!

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I have been offline for so long

for which I am sorry


I did a lot of drawing in the time, so I'm gonna give an update on the stuff I've been doing :)

I finished that hanako drawing I showed last time

I finished that hanako drawing I showed last time

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theres also this randomness page I did

I also got the idea of drawing little funny animals, so here's a rare inked drawing of mine

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I also got the idea of drawing little funny animals, so here's a rare inked drawing of mine

the lighting is different bc I'm in a hotel rn bc my house flooded- my family and I are fine theres just a ton of water dmg

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the lighting is different bc I'm in a hotel rn bc my house flooded- my family and I are fine theres just a ton of water dmg

This is all I can show for now, the other images won't upload so I'll show them in the next chapter


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