Chapter 3

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"Hurry up, I'm starving!"

Kate sat on the kitchen counter watching Rick prepare breakfast. It was Christmas morning and due to her late evening nap combined with the overwhelming thoughts of babies and pregnancy, sound sleep evaded her much of the night, and so now they were up before the sun.

"You could help." Rick shot her a wicked smile before returning his attention to the French toast on the griddle in front of him.

"Hey, I'm cooking a baby over here, breakfast is the least you can do."

Rick just shook his head. He had already stuffed and dressed the turkey along with about ten other things in preparation for their holiday feast. All while she sat comfortably sipping a hot cup of tea, which he had prepared, of course. But when he saw the little pout appear on her face, he couldn't resist. Grabbing a slice of banana, intended for the French toast, he sauntered across the kitchen, stopping to stand between her knees. Placing the slice of fruit between his teeth he leaned in.

"How 'bout we sare?" Correct pronunciation was difficult.

Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her mouth. Before he knew it the only thing he tasted was his own quick intake of oxygen. He wasn't really clear what had happened. His head shot back and he watched her slowly and purposefully chew and swallow.

"You had your tongue in my mouth and I didn't even feel it? Do it again."

"Dad! The French toast is burning." Alexis grabbed the spatula and tossed the blackened food in the nearby trashcan before embracing her father in a bear hug. "Merry Christmas Dad."

"Merry Christmas Pumpkin." He squeezed her tighter, not yet willing to let his little girl go.

"Dad, let go!" She wiggled free and made her way to Kate who hopped from the counter and embraced the giddy teenager. "Good morning Kate, Merry Christmas."

Kate kissed Alexis's cheek. "Merry Christmas to you too Sweetie."

Kate watched the two of them work together to finish up breakfast. It was like watching a choreographed dance. They each knew which way to step so as not to be in the other's way. Alexis silently handed her father whatever utensil he might have been in need of at any given moment.

Rick didn't have to ask what they preferred; he just filled plates each to their own liking. Kate's plate held bacon and three slices of French toast smothered in butter and topped with fresh bananas. Poured over the whole thing was her new most favorite thing, simple syrup. Rick had introduced her to it early on and now she refused to even consider anything maple flavored since. Alexis however preferred mixed fruit in a cup on the side of her maple syrup and whipped cream covered entrée. As usual Rick seemed to do a little of everything. His bacon was swimming in maple flavored goodness while a pool of simple syrup floated atop his banana garnished French toast. The cup of fruit to the side was piled high with whipped cream.

Finally Kate stepped in and performed her steps. They had rehearsed this many times; she was in charge of drinks, condiments, silverware and napkins. Never had anything so menial and domestic made her feel so complete. Everything that defined her happiness was here with her. She would be content to never leave this room.

The emotion seemed to hit her like a truck. She stood with the fridge door open a few extra seconds trying to regain some composure. She scolded herself for letting the hormones take control so easily. She didn't know how she would survive seven or eight months of it. Where was her ability to compartmentalize? Where were the neat little boxes she always shoved everything in? She couldn't even think rationally enough to decide between juice or milk much less apple, orange, cranberry, white, chocolate or soy. Thankfully, before she grabbed every beverage she could get her hands on, Rick slid up behind her. His hand around her middle and the calming kisses he placed down her neck stopped the room from spinning. He reached in and grabbed the chocolate milk and orange juice and pulled her back before letting the appliance door swing shut. He allowed her another beat to blow out a quick breath and wipe her moist eyes before turning her toward the table and their closely watching teenager.

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