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Kori Savanna 🐘 |Stockton CA
March 19th

"So Kori how have you been feeling?"My therapist asked looking at me over her glasses.

I sat there for a minute debating on if I wanted to tell her how I really felt.

"Umm I've been okay."I said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes as she started writing in her notebook.

"You don't sound too certain. Have you been taking your medication?"She asked.

"Depends."I said honestly. I hated taking them they made me feel like a zombie.

"On what?"She asked.

"If I wake up and feel like it's going to be a good day I won't."I said she gave a small smile

"So how many good days have you had since we've last seen each other?"

"Quite a few."I said

"That's good."She said happily. I gave her a light smile.


I walked into my dad's barbershop and went to my station. I had 3 appointments today and was ready to get them over with so could go home and get in my bed.

"Wassup K."Mar said as I sat up my station.

Mar was the head of the shop, plus one of my dad's "workers".

I gave him a nod. I really wasn't in the mood for talking I never was after my therapy sessions.

"Kori c'mere"My dad said poking his head out his office. I sighed before walking back to him.

"Yes."I said tilting my head slightly. I already knew he was going to question me about missing school for the third time this week.

"Why haven't you been going to school?"He asked mugging me

"I haven't really been in the mood. I'll go next week."I said with a shrug. I tried to read his facial expression but couldn't.

"It's senior year and you graduate in a few months why start slacking now?"He asked

Because everything seems pointless and I have lost my motivation, but was i going to tell him that no.

"Kori your 2:35 is here."Raniya yelled

Raniya was my bestfriend and also the receptionist for the shop.

"We'll talk at dinner."I said before walking out

I walked out seeing one of my regulars in sitting in my chair.

"You want braids or twist?"I asked

"Whichever is faster"He said with a shrug.

I smiled. I was going to do some simple stitch braids.

Once I finished I cleaned off my combs then wiped down my chair.

"Give me a quick line up before your next appointment"Mar said sitting in my chair

I grabbed my clippers,then got to work. I didn't mind doing quick line ups in between appointments.

"You still fucking li TJ momma?"Mar asked June

"Nah she got back with her baby daddy im fucking her bestfriend though"He said with a big smile

I shook my head,niggas is real life disgusting

"Watch when your dick start burning"Raniya said with a disgusted look

"I get tested often and I go celibate every two months."He said with a shrug

"You being a proud hoe makes it more disgusting."I said shaking my head.

Mar laughed but I was dead serious.

"Nigga said he goes celibate every two months."Mar said in between his laughter

I finished up Mar's hair then cleaned my clippers to get ready for my next appointment.

He stood up and looked in the mirror before sticking money in my apron pocket and gave a light smile before walking back to his station.

I smiled lightly then looked up seeing Raniya staring at me she gave me a wink before looking away.

I rolled my eyes. She was so pressed for me and Mar to talk but I wasn't going for it.


"I grabbed some Wendy's, I was going to cook but we have to go to the grocery store."Dad said handing me my food and drink.

"It's okay."I said getting comfortable in my chair

Me and my dad try to have dinner together every night unless his away for "business" then we just eat together while facetiming

"So how was therapy?"He asked before stuffing fries in his mouth.

"It was okay, may have told a little white lie or two but who cares."I said making him chuckle

"So what about school why haven't you been going?"He asked raising an eyebrow

"Haven't had the energy, but I will go all next week I promise."I said

He held his hand out we did our handshake which means I couldn't break my promise.

"When's your next trip?"I asked eating my nuggets

My dad was in the drug business and he had many out of town partners so he traveled often.

"In two days,me and Cal have to see how business flowing down there."He said

Calvin's my dad's bestfriend, they've known each other since 6th grade and he's also my God-father.

"Well I'm going to have Raniya stay over."I said finishing my food

"That's coo. I'm going to have Mar watch the house since Cal coming with me on this trip"He said

I nodded before getting up throwing away my food.

"Which movie we watching?"He asked getting up from the table

"Iron man"I said grabbing a blanket out the basket that sat next to the couch. I got comfortable in my normal spot.

Our favorite movies to watch together was either marvel or a hood classic.

Once he came into the living room I started the movie.

"I love you Boog."He said

I smiled.

"I love you too old man."I said

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