Chapter 38 - about time

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My phone alarm went off and I quickly turned it off and looked back in the mirror

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My phone alarm went off and I quickly turned it off and looked back in the mirror.

I had been standing here for like two minutes now admiring my beauty- because that's what us baddies do.

* her outfit *

Okay but no let me go check on the girls

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Okay but no let me go check on the girls.

I walked to their room and saw that they were still sleeping so I took this as my chance to find a outfit for them.

* their outfit *

Once I picked that out I walked fully out the room and walked downstairs

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Once I picked that out I walked fully out the room and walked downstairs.

Again guards nodded at me and let's just say I have to get used to it.

The plan for today was to tour Belgium but I feel exhausted off of it yesterday so I don't really know what to do.

When I got to the kitchen Lenard was there washing dishes.

" bonjour lenard " I said and he quickly turned around.
( hello )

" ah bonjour mademoiselle janessa, comment dors-tu " he said back and sat the plate down.
( ah hello miss janessa how do you sleep )

" bien et toi " I said sitting down.
( well and you )

" heureux de savoir Et j'ai aussi bien dormi, y a-t-il quelque chose de spécifique que vous voudriez pour le petit-déjeuner ? " he said and walked to the refrigerator.
( glad to know And I slept well as well, is there anything specific you would like for breakfast? )

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