Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Nick P.O.V

"You know you will always be the boy who I love. The boy who will only have one of my special smiles, the one who has completely my trust. The boy who will always have a reaction in me, the one who messes up with my heart all the time you look at me. You know you can get my heart to beat fast and slow at the same time. With one of your kisses you can make me fly and make the world disappear from my eyes and the ones standing are only you and me. Nick, when you kiss me my heart whispers your name. You're the boy who will always make me feel special, like the luckiest girl in the whole planet! You're the boy who I want to spend the rest of my life with Nick" Amanda whispered in my ear as we the gentle sea breeze hit us both.

I smiled and hugged her tightly bringing her warm body closer to mine, her words made me feel warm all over and happiness bursted in me! I couldnt help but grin widely, I felt as if I were in heaven with my angel! Amanda was truly my beautiful angel! I stared into her eyes and I wondered if heaven was really small becaue I could see it in Mandy's eyes.

I kissed the top of her head lovingly and wrapped my arms around her "Mandy you have no clue how much I love you. I love you from here to Pluto and back" I whispered trying to keep the moment romantic. It wasnt many times I could keep a moment like this and I always ruined it with some stupid joke or a silly comment, but tonight I felt like being romantic.

We were both at the beach it was late at night already. Very late actually, but Amanda and I were both curled up in a hammock with a fire next to us. Our families had been celebrating 4th of July and we had a bonfire out here in the beach.

Everyone had gone to sleep already while Amanda and I decided to stay cuddled here, it was perfect honestly. Every moment I spent with Amanda was perfect actually, it didnt matter if we were in her room or mine, if we were in school or in a restaurant or even in the living room! Every moment I spent with Amanda felt honestly perfect!

"Did you know Pluto isnt a planet anymore?"  Mandy joked grinning up at me. I rolled my eyes, it was a common thing we both said. We both knew Pluto wasnt a planet anymore and we both reminded each other all the time.

I pinched her cheek, well I guess it wasnt me who ruined the moment this time with a silly joke! I smiled at my Amanda "Yeah I know that! What do you think? That I dont pay attention in school? I know that Pluto is obviously a galaxy now!"  I joked.

Mandy laughed rolling her eyes and looking up at me "You know Nick if you werent the hottest basketball player on the team, and not to mention the best one, I really doubt you would make it through high school" she teased.

"So you'r doubting my learning skills now?" I chuckled shaking my head while Mandy nodded. "Yup if it werent for basketball you would flunk high school!" she teased again. I mocked pain "Ouch! Gee Mandy thanks for having so much faith in me!" I said chuckling.

She prompted herself on my chest looking like some beautiful goddess "Without you me you'd be lost!" she whispered prompting herself closer to me.

My eyes wandered to her lips and I soon felt anticipation kick in me. "Oh yeah? Why is that?" I whispered too ready to close my eyes as Mandy got closer to me and my lips. "Because, who would do your homework if I wasnt there?" she breathed.

Her breath so close to me it made my lips tingle, it made them want to touch hers immediately. "Well then I would have to pay some other little hotty to do my homework" I responded jokingly. Mandy laughed and gave me a quick peck on the lips "Is that so? Another hotty?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

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