Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Nick P.O.V

"Come on Chris, talk to me man! Give me something good!" I said driving pass a red light, mentally cursing.

I was doing two illegal things right now, one, talking on the phone while driving, and two, going down a road at 40 when I should be going at 25.

"It's all over the news Nick! They all say the same basically that they found the message in the Nevada airport and what the message said" he replied, I could hear him typing away things as he spoke, "Police said its definite Bruno Mendez kidnapped her, they're in the lookout for him now" he continued.

I clenched my teeth in anger, just hearing that name made my body get goosebumps with rage! I hoped so very much I could find Bruno Mendez first than the police, I swore to my Amanda if I did find him first I would kill him!

"Its certain then, Br-.....that guy did kidnap her?" I asked passing another red light, I was in such a hurry to get to my agency and collect as much information as I could about Mandy's case.

About a week ago there had been reports about a message in one of the bathroom's of the Nevada airport, apparently Amanda had written some information there about where she could be, a woman found the message and immediately called security.

Police took one day to make sure the message hadnt been written by some prankster, after all, it had been written with soap and anyone would think it was just a joke, but they checked over and over again the security cameras and indeed, my Amanda, was there. In that airport in Nevada, what I still dont get is, what was she doing there?

Everything was so confusing.

There had also been another witness, who immediately called the police when she heard the case of Amanda and the bathroom message, apparently she said she had seen Amanda in Miami! No less than 2 days after that incident in Nevada had happened.

So what the hell had Mandy been doing in Miami? Who knew! The witness, who said was an old friend of Amanda, said that they had seen each other in a restaurant bathroom and they talked a bit about what they were each doing there in Miami, apparently Mandy told her that she was fine and that she was on a vacation with her boyfriend.

Yeah Im confused on that one also!

The witness then said that Amanda had supposedly told her she was fine, but the witness did notice her looking kind of confused on what day it was and were they where, she also said she noticed a man waiting for Amanda to get out of the bathroom and that it seemed like he was her bodyguard or something like that.

The police then informed the FBI first, it took three days for the whole press to get their hands on the story, every news channel, every newspaper, was talking about the message of the kidnapped girl in the bathroom. After the news had been spread out then SWAT was contacted and thats when I received the call yesterday that Mandy had left a very important message, a message that could help us find out where she was.

It irritated me that they hadnt contacted us earlier, they should've called us as soon as they saw the message, but Chris argued they didnt know it was the same Amanda from California, the message had been in Nevada after all.

My teammates and I talked to the witness who said she had seen Mandy in Miami and she recalled the whole story to us, we had made her come back from her vacation trip in Miami so we could interview her, then we checked the security videos and the pictures that had been taken at the Nevada airport, and indeed you can see in one of the security cameras Amanda surrounded by three other guys guiding her throughout the airport into a private jet.

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