tough few years

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Warnings: injury, kidnap

Age: 5-11                                                                                                                                                                                      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Penelope POV

when you were born for the first five years of your life you felt safe, happy and loved. But sadly that didn't last long, since at the age of only five, you were kidnaped and shared between hydra and the red room to make an unbeatable soldier/widow.

You were constantly in pain because become the ultimate soldier/widow was tiering and you were always punished for things you didn't do. For example, you were once just minding your own business in your cell, staring at the wall, when one of the guards came in. He ragged you to the wall, keep in mind you were only 9 years old, and started beating you up and your screams could be heard a mile away. He beat you unconscious and you were in pain but forced to train even though you were still bleeding.

Natasha never stoped looking for you though, she tried every day to find you because she had promised herself she would find you. luckly, on your 11th birthday, she was at HYDRA fighting on a mission.

 luckly, on your 11th birthday, she was at HYDRA fighting on a mission

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She was roaming the corridors when she found a steel bolted door. upon entering she saw a frail figure curled up on the floor at first she was going to draw her weapon, then she heard whimpering and the sound of crying.  She put away her weapon.

"hello, my name is Natasha"  said nat

"Natasha Romanoff, i know your name. If you are here to take me away and lock me up, dont bother. i will be dead within a few days" you said

"i recognise your voice, do i know you?"

"probably not" you said flatly "nobody knows me, nobody loves me" you say tears brimming in your eyes. You lift up your head revealing your bright green eyes, thick red hair and unmissable freckles .

"Penelope?" Natasha said with confusion.

"That's my name" you say. "do you know me"

She looks you up and down, seeing all your open cuts, bruises and scars, in a pitiful tone she says, "it's me baby, mama" she flicks her vibrant red hair, revealing her face.

"mama? They told me you were dead" you start weeping.

With tears running down your face, she pulls you into an embrace. Even though her hand is on one of your biggest cuts and it is extremely painful, you don't want her to let go.

"I'm here now baby, lets get you home" she whispers in your ear.

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