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"Ok Penny, this is Clint, say hi to Clint"
"Hello Clint"
"Hi, Penny, do you remember me, you were only 4 when I last saw you"
"I don't remember"
"That's ok, we can make new memories"
Penelope smiles softly
"Ok, this is Wanda and this is Steve"
They both say hi as Penelope walks around the room greeting each other, her hand tightly griped onto Natasha's
Bucky walks into the room
Penelope is facing the other way
"Oh, and this is Bucky, he is kinda new, like you"
"You know each other?"
Penelope release her grip from her moms hand and basically throws herself into buckys arms"
"Are you ok doll, did HYDRA do anything to you while I was gone?"
"Why did you leave me?" She said, innocently
Nat watched the scene in amazement
"I didn't mean to" he said bringing her closer "I'm sorry"
"It's ok Bucky, it want your fault, as long as they don't hurt you anymore"
"I'm sorry" he repeated
Natasha's face was a mask of confusion
"We're you two in HYDRA at the same time?"
Nat spoke up.
"Yes, we looked after each other" Bucky replied

Penelope yawed and rested her head on buckys shoulder, "I'm tiered"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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