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Nat's POV:

"BRUCE! she is still bleeding" Nat calls worry drawn on her face, her hands covered in blood
"We need to get her to the lab quick, Nat, I think you should go" Bruce said
"No, I'm staying with my baby" She snapped back
"Natasha, i think—" he was cut off, " I don't care what you think, I'm staying with my child, ok?"
Nat noticed tears running down Penny's face, as she started to pass out
"Nat, I'm going to take her to the lab to sew her up, please go wait with the others, please Nat, you know it's for her saftey"
"As long as you get me the second she wakes up"
"I promise"
"Natasha, you know it's going to be ok" Steve said
She just sat in silence
"Come on Nat, talk to us, we just want to help" Bucky said from the corner of the room
Bruce walked into the room, clip bored in hand, "she is awake but I need to run some tests before I can let her out, would you like to come see her?"
Natasha nods and follows Bruce down a hall until she sees penny sat on a bed talking to herself
When she walks into the room,Penelope's eyes light up and she opens her arms wide, signalling for Nat to come hug her
"Yes mama?"
"How would you feel about having some tests done?"
Penny's POV:
You visibly wince when she says the word test and shake your head abruptly
"Baby, we need to see what's wrong with you"
"There is something wrong with me?"
As she said that Natasha realised she had made a mistake
"Of course not baby, we just want to make sure your ok and healthy, that's all"
Reluctantly, you nod your head, but as Bruce approaches you with a needle you bring yourself closer to your mum and close your eyes tight.
After a few minutes, Bruce tells Natasha, he will give her the results tomorrow, she nods and carry's you away to meet the other avengers

She walks in holding you in her arms, your scared to let go, you have vage memories of this place but it's been so long and you have been through so much you can hardly remember it or anyone who lives here.

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