Bunny Roast

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Freddy's POV

"Okay. Robert knows and is headed on his way to assist (y/n) and Roxy". I walked through the crowd occasionally being stopped by kids wanting to take a picture and an autograph. "Here you go buddy" I said to a little boy. "Thanks Freddy!" He said. I decided to just smile and wave. I didn't want to seem out of place or start worrying the folk. I made my way to my room and closed the door. "Okay I'll just grab something real quick and head back out". But just as I was opening the closet I found something...or rather someone. "Aaah! Please don't hurt me!" He said crossing his arms in front of his face. "I would do no such thing. Please come out" I told the little boy. He came out and was a bit fidgety still. "What's your name buddy?" I asked. "I'm Gregory..." he said. "Okay Gregory. Now tell me, why were you hiding in my closet?". He looked at me in the eyes. "Listen, there's this strange rabbit lady walking around. She had told us that she would take us to a fun place. But she wants to harm us. I managed to escape, but the rest are trapped!" He said with a worried expression. "Gregory, don't worry. My friends are taking care of it. Soon your friends will be safe" I said. "Freddy...you don't understand! There is something much worse down there. Something horrifying!" He said. The news shocked me. (Y/n) and Roxy we're headed towards that thing. They're going to be in danger! "Were is she taking them?" I asked. "Down some cave thing behind Roxy Raceway".

"There is no time to spare! Gregory stay here. I'll assist our friends".


We followed the rabbit from a distance. We were going through corridors behind the pizza plex. Then we were suddenly in the utility tunnels. "Where the heck is it taking them?" Roxy whispered. "I don't know. Let's keep going" I whispered back. We followed behind, and once again we were at another door. "Come on friends! Not far now!" A feminine voice said. We were looking from a corner. Roxanne peeked her head out underneath me. Her pointy ears getting in my way. "Why is she taking them into the race way? It's closed for maintenance" she said. "Is there any back room I don't know of?" I asked. "No...not that I know of. Weren't you always bragging you knew everything in the pizza plex?" She said with a small smile. "Shut up... let's just keep on following her" I said. We opened the door and quietly followed. We followed her behind the maintenance barricades. She headed downstairs to what seemed like an abandoned room. "I've never seen this place before" Roxy commented. We had been guided to a place. It looked like an underground place. An abandoned dinner from what it seems. There was old tables and tipped over stairs. 'What is this place?'. We saw the bunny talking to the children. I looked at Roxy. She also looked at me and nodded. "Okay...it's time to end this" I said. "Hey! Who are you?" I shouted at the  bunny lady. "Well would you look at that! More guests!" She said excited. "Who are you?" I asked. "Why I'm Vanny!". "What are you going to with those children?" Roxy asked. "We're going to have a party!" She said excited. "Filled with balloons, cake, pizza, and...death!" She said as she took a kitchen knife out.

We were slowly backing away from her. She walked slowly towards us. "Roxanne, listen... I believe I saw a back door that leads to the kids. I'll distract her while you sneak away and safely get them out of here" I whispered. "What about you? I can't just leave you here!" She whispered back. "Just trust me. Now go" I said. "So uhh...Vanny... you said you wanted a party? Why don't you just come with us? We'll have a much bigger party" I told her. By now Roxy had sneaked away and was heading around to open the door to take the children back to safety. "I'd rather be alone. If there were people around I couldn't do what I'm about to do next" she said. Suddenly there was a crashing sound. It came from the back. One of the kids had knocked over some stuff. "Hey! Stop right n-aaah!". I had tackled her from behind. "Get them out of here Roxy!" I shouted as I jumped on Vanny. "You think you're tough?" Vanny said. She pushed me off. She was now charging at me full speed. I jumped to the side barely missing her knife. But just as I tumbled to the ground, she was already running towards me again. I didn't have time to react and was now being tackled by her. She had pinned me on the ground and was pushing the knife towards my chest. "You having fun yet? Little one". I was using all my strength to push that knife. My heart was racing so much, it felt like it would pop out of my chest. I went into fear seeing Vanny's red glowing eyes. Out of the corner of my eyes I spotted something. "Not...uhh...really. This is more my type of fun...take this!!" In a quick moment I grabbed a rock and swung it at her head.

She fell to the ground. I got up breathing heavily, trying to calm down. I looked at her. 'Looks like she is unconscious. Now is my chance to get out of here!' I got up and started running towards the door. Suddenly something struck me in the leg and now I was suddenly tumbling to the ground. I looked at my leg. It was a knife, somebody stabbed me. I heard Vanny giggle. "Thought you could get away?" She said. Just as I was about to get up, something struck me in the back. (Whack!). I fell on the floor again. "Your not going anywhere" a voice said. I turned around. It was some sort of another bunny costume from looks of things. Only, it was heavily damaged. You could see his endoskeleton and something else. 'Hold on. Is that...is that a body? Or more like a corpse! How?'. "What the fuck are you supposed to be?" I said. He laughed. "The names William. But I'm afraid that's the last you'll here from me" he said. He suddenly pulled out a knife and swinged it at me. "Shit!". I rolled over, but the knife caught my arm just making a small cut. "Stop playing around. You're only making me waste my time" he said. I looked at my leg, my arm, then at the broken down rabbit. He charged at me and just at the precise moment, I kicked his leg. This caused it to fall off. He fell down. "You piece of shit!" He yelled. I crawled. Trying to get to the door. "You're pathetic! You're...small...weak...you're NOTHING!" He shouted. He grabbed my leg. I turned around staring into his purple eyes. "Soon you'll know what it feels like to be me" he said lifting up the knife.

Suddenly the door burst open. "(Y/n)!" Roxanne shouted. "Vanny, don't just stand there, GET RID OF HER!" He yelled. Then I just saw Roxy zoom by and tackle Vanny to the ground. She started slashing at Vanny. "Take this you bunny bitch!" Roxy said. While He was distracted with the girls fighting, I decided to act. "Get off of me!" I said as I punched William. "Why you little-(wack!)". All of a sudden I saw Something hit William in the head. It was Freddy! "Nobody hurts my friends!" Freddy said as he hit him with a shovel. "Forget about me! Help Roxanne!" I told him. He nodded. But as soon as he turned around he was stabbed with a metal pole. The pole went through his chest. "Noo! Freddy!!". Freddy fell to the ground. "D-don't worry. I-I'm s-still alive" he said. He was tweaking out. Sparks shooting out from his chest. 'That's it! I've had enough!' I thought angrily. "Get off me you stupid dog!" Vanny shouted.

"I'm a wolf you fucki- what?...how?...Vanessa!!" Roxy said. She had slashed of her mask, and behind that mask was a woman. She looked young, but her face seemed off. Her eyes looked purple color. "Damn it! You can't take care of a simple job can you!?" William said. He started limping towards Roxanne. 'Now is my chance!' I thought. I used what remained of my strength to get up. The sensation of something burning inside my leg almost made me fall. I looked at my leg. My pants dripping wet from the blood I lost. 'Come on...just one more push'. I looked at William, about to lift his arms getting ready to swing. "Nooo!" I shouted as I pushed him out of the way. I pushed him so hard he went tumbling into some sharp metal poles and got stabbed by them. He reached his hand out. It was shaking while shooting out sparks. Then it dropped to the ground. I looked at Roxy who was now hugging Vanny. "Are you alright?" She asked. Vanny responded "I-I think so...seems like his mind control powers went away with his death...death he fucking deserved!" She said. Roxy got up and looked at me. She ran towards me. "Y/n! Oh my! Look at you! You need help!" She said. "Don't forget about m-me..." Freddy said. Vanessa helped Freddy up. They were smiling at each other. "V-Vanessa...long time no s-see" Freddy said glitching out. "Okay (y/n). Just use me for support...okay?" Roxy said placing my arm around her neck. I felt real dizzy. I looked at my leg, covered in blood. "Roxy... I...I feel like my heads spinning" I said. "Just hang on okay. Not much further".

We continued to walk towards the exit. Suddenly Monty and Robert showed up. "You guys alright!?" Robert asked. "Just about" I said. His eyes widened. "Vanessa! What are you doing here?" Robert said. "It's a long story that's best left for another day" she said. "Hey Robert? We left something or, rather someone that needs to be dealt with" I said. Robert left running back to where it all started. "Seems like hell went back there huh?" Monty said lifting up his glasses. "Where is Chica?" Freddy asked. "She gathered some security guards to make sure nothing else went on" he said. Suddenly Robert came running. "Alright. Better make some ground between us and that" he pointed back. "Why? What did you-(Boom!)" Roxy was suddenly interrupted by a huge explosion. Robert grinned. "Let's get out of here" he said.

Because It always has to end with a big boom ¯\_()_/¯ 🤯🤣. Anyways, thx for reading

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