Sweet Confession's

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It was a sunny Saturday. It had been some time since the terrible event of William. Surprisingly, no one asked too much questions of what happened. I was sitting on the couch. I was just scrolling through posts on my phone. 'Nothing to interesting going on. Its Saturday, why isn't there any livestreams of parties or just something fun?' I thought. I looked at my leg, the stitches from the knife. This was the only thing stopping me from going outside and having fun. 'I wish I could go back to the pizzeria. I could be spending time with the gang. Especially spending time with Roxy'. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Hold on a sec!". It was hard to get up with my leg feeling like it was getting stabbed every time I wanted to walk. I slowly made my way to the door and opened it. It was Robert. "Look at you! You recovered more quickly than I thought" he said. I laughed. "That's what you think dude. I feel and look like my grandpa trying to stand up from a chair" I said. "Well im glad to see that the injuries didn't take away your jokester side" he said laughing. "So, what can I help you with? Oh and sorry, please come in" I said.

Robert walked in and started looking at my apartment. He seemed like a little kid just being lead by curiosity. "I know it ain't much, but I never really liked big houses. I'm happy just the way it is" I said closing the door. "What can i get you? Soda? Coffee? Water?".

"Coffee sounds good to me!" He said. "Take a seat please. I'll be right back". A few seconds later I returned with a cup of coffee and a bottle of water for me. "So umm...how is the pizza plex doing?" I asked. He took a sip. "It's doing fine. Although we do have some issues with the incident of the children". I took a sip from my water. "Lawsuits?" I asked. "No. Thank God we didn't get that far into issues. We somehow convinced the parents the bunny was lost and took them somewhere they shouldn't have been. Don't even ask how that worked out" he said. "What about the explosion? People must've said something about it?". "Don't worry about it. We evacuated everyone out of the building and told them a gas line had a leak and was the cause of the explosion" he said. "Really now?".

"Yeah. We closed the place for two weeks. We'll get everything cleaned up and...go on with the show as if this never happened" he said smiling. "By the way y/n...Fazbear Entertainment would like to give you this. Now I know they usually don't like giving free money out. But, because you sort of dealt with our little thorn and didn't mention nothing, they want to offer you this". He handed me an envelope. I took a look at the envelope. It had the Fazbear Entertainment logo on the front. I opened and took out what was inside. It was money. About five thousand. "Woah! I guess it's something alright" I said smiling. "Like I said, count yourself lucky. They usually try to cut corners on anything they can. Of course I realized It wouldn't be fair for you to have gone through all of that without getting anything"he said pointing at my injury.

"I am a security guard after all. I have to make sure everyone is well". He nodded. "Speaking of which, how are you doing?". I smiled. "I could be better. But I can walk, and move my arm around" I said. "Don't worry, you'll feel better soon. You young adults heal at a surprising rate. Us adults, if we even sneeze too hard, our back just feels like it falls off" he said laughing. "That's what my parents said to me every time I whined" I said smiling. He looked at his watch. "Well...it looks like it's time for me to go" he said. We standed up and walked to the door. "Thanks for the coffee. And I'm glad to see your doing alright" he said. "I should be thanking you. It was good to see a familiar face again" I said. He looked at me with a smile. "In that case, give me a sec". I was confused. 'What is he up to?'. He went to his car and came back. "Catch!" He yelled. I quickly moved my hands and caught a suitcase. I looked at it. "Robert...what is this?".

"What does it look like? A suitcase dummy" a familiar voice said. 'What the? No way!'. "Roxy? Is that you?" I said. She came running up the stairs. "The one and only" she said smiling. She gave me a hug that I was not ready for. "Easy there. Or You'll break something else now" I said playing around. "What are you doing here?" I said. She smiled. "I thought I would come and see how you are doing" she said.

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