Chapter 2 ~The Gift

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TWS: Swearing, Slight Gore, Dickhead Clockwork (joke)

Side Note: Jack has 7 voices in his head like the 7 deadly sins, if you've read some of the other ticcijack stories then you might know, its just them in a form of demon basically- welp enjoy your story. Also art above was on Instagram!  -love Bee<3


Jacks POV:

As Toby left the room, I decided to yell "Bye dork!". I really don't know why I chose 'dork' out of all the names I could have chosen. Like I could have just said 'Tobes'. I'm such a damn idiot. He's not too bad looking either....I then realized that I started to blush a light blue color, I could tell because of the heat in my face.
(Lust: Awe Jacky, are you falling for Toby? He is hot...)
 "SHUT UP LUST!" I yell in my head.

(Greed: Y'know.....Lust is right Jack.)

(Sloth: Guys stop torturing him, Y'all are annoying as fuck)

Might as well go to bed. Goodnight idiots.

(Everyone but Wrath: Goodnight.)


Toby's POV:

Of course me being the nice-ish person that I am, decided to go get Jack a gift... I don't know why, I've never really gotten newbies gifts before. Ehhhh its whatever. "Sl-lender-D-d-dad!?" I yelled from the living room. "What Tobias? I was working, and don't call me that." "C-can I go ou-t and fi-ind Jac-cky-y a gif-t?" "Jacky? Do you mean Eyeless?" "O-oh uh-m y-tick-yes" "I suppose, but take someone with you....CLOCKWORK!" Tree man said as he casually yelled the last part."Yeah boss?" I saw clockwork as she was on the stairs and then glanced at me. "Oh uhm...why do you need me?"

 "You're going to go help Toby loot a house for a gift for Eyeless Jack." clockwork then asked why the hell she needed to help me. Infact that's literally what she said.

She meant the hell part about Jack, because as you see she really doesn't like him, because she's the one who found the masked boy in the woods. "Well, I'm having you help because I think you would be eager to work with Toby...". "W-well I am it's just.....I don't like jack." Boss then proceeded to ask why exactly she didn't like him, I really didn't understand. He's a nice guy. "Well uh....fine I guess i'll go get a stupid gift with him." She said that in an oddly sassed tone, like what does she have against Jack. 

"Perfect, now head out tonight so you won't be seen. You are dismissed Clockwork." "W-well t-hat was o-tick-odd for clo-ockwork." I say out loud, not meaning to.

BEN, who happened to be in the living room during that conversation along with Jeff, Jane, and Laughing Jack thought the same thing. "Yeah, that was not normal for her in the slightest." Ben said rather quietly. "We-ll i'm of-ff to get r-tick-eady, cya la-ter guys!" I sprinted up the stairs and burst into my room to see a sleeping Jack. I quietly tip-toed to the closet and got my normal gear on.

 I looked at my alarm clock to see it read "6:20 PM". From there I decided to go watch TV until it was time to go. I quietly snuck out of me and Jack's room and proceeded to sprint down 10 flights of stairs.

"W-hat are y-you guys wa-tching?" I managed to get that out after breathing heavily for about 20 seconds. "The news." I sat down and literally watched the news for 3 hours without getting bored. What an accomplishment. I soon saw clockwork walking down the stairs. We both said "Hello" and then proceeded to go. I hop in one of the many cars in the garage. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, our mansion has a shit ton of cars.

"L-lets g-o!" I practically yelled. Clockwork hopped in the passenger's seat next to me. I turned the key and just about everyone in the mansion heard a loud 'BRRRRRRRR' outside the house. The automatic doors opened, and away we went. I decided we were going to go farther away from the mansion, near where the rich people live. I wanted to get something extra special for Jacky! "H-Hey clo-cky?" "Yeah tics?" "W-why do y-ou hat-e Jack-y?" "Well uhm, ........ He's kinda a-a .....a cannibal." oh. ..... Thats okay i guess.

"And y-you h-ate him f-f-for th-at?" "Not just that....I'll tell ya later I think." "w-whateve-r." I rolled my eyes as I drove. Clocky could be a dumbass sometimes honestly. You shouldn't judge someone because of what they like to eat. Who knows, maybe he needs it to survive. Before I knew it, we were in the rich-kid neighborhood. Now I just needed to scout out a nice house for the gift. "H-hey cl-ock." "Yeah tics?" "S-ee any n-nice h-ouse-tick-es?" "Yeah, how about that one?"

She pointed to a mansion that looked like it had a pool. It was a light-ish gray color. There was even a damn waterslide into the pool. It looked perfect. Hey, if Jack's a cannibal maybe I should get him some organs with his gift! What a great idea, good job, me! Me and Clockwork quietly got out of our car. I parkoured over the fence with axes in hand. Clocky did the same with a knife. After 10 minutes I found a way in, an unlocked window. Damn, these rich assholes are idiots. 

Aren't they afraid of getting robbed, or even worse, murdered? Unluckily for them, that was about to happen. I crept through the window, and so did clocky. I noticed we were in a girls room. I look up to see a loft bed.

I slowly climb up the ladder, and before the girl in the bed can even wake up, I cut her head off. Honestly this looked gross, there was now blood everywhere on the blankets and sheets. There was also blood all over my body. Somehow, blood had managed to get through my mouth guard. I licked my lips. Tastes like copper. I got down and searched the room for stuff. I looked over and saw something that I thought Jacky would like. What was that thing you ask? It was a waterproof bag, medical tools (maybe this girl was training to be a doctor or some shit.), and a globe of the surrounding forest. 

Perfect! He'll love it. Me and clockwork crept out of the house without a trace, before we left, I filled the water-proof bag with organs.

We drove until we got back to the mansion. It was a long drive, and we got back at like 4 am. I silently crept back up to me and Jacky's room. I saw him sleeping peacefully. 'Awe how cute!' that was adorable. I shook him awake so he could see his gifts. "Jacky~" "Wh-hat Toby, its four in the damn mornin-"

He suddenly stopped when he smelt the organs I brought him. "H-here, a gift." He saw everything in my hands and got up to hug me. "Thank you thank you, thank you!" For the way he looked, he had a shit ton of energy. I gave him the stuff after I put him down from the hug. "I love it, Tobes." "Y-your wel-come Jacky, now goodnight." I then changed in the bathroom and went to bed. I was ecstatic that he liked his gift. With that thought, I drifted off to sleep.

Damn, 2 chapters and an intro in 1 whole day. Have a good time and don't forget...


(1235 Words)

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