Chapter 5 ~ End of the fight

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I'll end yalls suffering now, :)


Toby's POV:

"Clockwork, I'm gay."

The whole room went silent. Clockwork looked like a combination of anger, and sadness. "Why?" "..." "Well? Why are you fucking gay, you have perfectly good girls?" "Well, its not your decision to make! So does it matter!?" "To me, it does." Jack then steps in. "Guys, is this really something that you're gonna fight about, it doesn't matter if he's gay, clockwork." "OF COURSE YOU WOULD SAY THAT, YOU HAVE A DAMN CRUSH ON THE GUY!"

The room was once again silent for 5 seconds or more, until Clockwork threw 2 punches straight in Jack's face. One being an uppercut.

This of course, pissed Toby off. "What the actual fuck clockwork?!" Toby punches her in the face, then gets a kick right back. Luckily, he doesn't feel a thing, so he gets right back up off of the hardwood flooring, and lands a kick in the gut. He gets a punch to the side of his head. He finally knocks her out with a final punch straight in the head. The whole room just stares as Clockwork falls to the ground with a 'thud'.

"Jack, are you okay?"

Toby runs over to Jack and lifts his mask to see a bloody nose. "Is it broken, Jacky?" "P-possibly, we should go to the infirmar-'' He then faints from what Toby thinks might be a concussion. "Fuck- well this is gonna be interesting." I then picked up Jack and made my way to the basement, where they kept the infirmary. "Dr. Smiley? I think Jack has a concussion, he might also have a broken nose.''

"Ok, first of all, how the hell did this happen?"

"Clockwork punched him really hard and he hit his head on the ground.'' "Ah, alright. Do you want to stay while I do a check-up on him or not?" "I'll stay." "Alright then, after I finish, I want you to take him to slender and talk to him about what even happened. Are we clear?" "Yes Smiley, I got it." 'Great' he muttered as he inspected Jacks nose. "Definitely broken." He says and then bandages Jack's nose very carefully.

"Alright Rogers, you are excused, take him with you. Tell slender he has a concussion and a broken nose."

"Got it, Dr. Smiley." I then picked up Jack bridal style and carried the demon boy to the slenders office. "Boss, I wish to speak to you." "Come in, Tobias." I walked in with Jack in my arms, and slender made a shocked expression, or at least as shocked as possible with no face. "What happened, child?" "Well uh, me and clockwork got into a fight, and he tried to stop it. He has a broken nose and a concussion." "I suppose that's not good, take him to your guy's room. You are excused from missions for today." "Alright then, goodbye, Boss."

"U-ugh, t-toby?"

"Yes Jack?" "What happened? Why does my head hurt?" I then explained and then he looked shocked. "Well do you still wanna be carried?" "If you don't mind, I normally never get carried, so sure." "Kay, well I was told to bring us back to the bedroom." I continued to walk down what seemed like endless hallways. I finally stumbled across our room when I realized the demon in my arms was asleep.

"That's cute."

I walked into the room, glad my whisper didn't wake him up. I layed him down in his bed and started to do my paperwork, as being a proxy comes with its advantages, and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages being a shit-load of paperwork. Masky gets the worst of it though. I feel kinda bad for him. I walk over to me and Jack's mini-fridge and pull out a soda.

/Time skip brought to you by my gay friend.\

As I finished my paperwork, I heard Jack rustling around. He looked like he was having a nightmare. "Jack, Jack, Wake up." I whisper-yelled as I was shaking him. He woke up with a scream. "Are you okay, Jacky?" "Mhm, just a nightmare...." He laid back down and a few seconds later I heard him speak.

"Will you lay with me?"

"Of course Jack, scoot over." I climbed into his bed and he scooted towards me. I wrapped my arms around his back and held him tight. "Goodnight, Jacky." "G'night, Tobes." And with that, I fell asleep.


That was adorable. G'night/day lovelys.

~729 words~

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