Wind: In your version of the world, I heard these things were around: A giant caterpillar, A flower with a face in it, A huge face with 2 hands, a giant bird with a blue mouth, a fat guy with a lantern, and a huge snake in the sand.
Wild: Ya. So?
Wind: In my version, those are the bosses.
King Of Red Lions: We have merely come to assist.
Wind: We are helpful!
(Winds requiem)
(Song of passing)
(Command Melody)
(Ballad of Gales)
(Earth gods lyric)
(Wind gods aria)
Wild: fine. where are they?
Wind: In this huge cave.
(everyone went to the cave)
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Wind: *Plays earth gods lyric*
Boulder: NOOO *Disappears
Urbosa: There is a cliff.
Wind*Deku leaf+Wind requiems*
Mipha*Lands gracefully*
Revali*Flies across carrying Urbosa*
Wild: Its so dark
Wind: *Song of passing*
Wild: woah its day now.
Daruk: There is a platform with A + shaped hole in it.
This guy
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Wind:*Control melody*
Statue:*Goes in hole*
*Door opens*
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*Ballad of gales*
*Teleports to different cyclones*
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