Finding Out Our Baby's Gender

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I grew excited about the gender reveal and Paul and Eric were the ones that knew the gender of the baby so we had to wait for the party. I rubbed my belly while getting ready when I felt something weird and felt my belly gently

Gene comes into the room " babe are you okay? What's wrong?" He goes to him and feels worried

I feel the baby kick at my hands soon crying " our baby is kicking!" I laugh and felt the kicks

He gets emotional and feels his belly " holy shit this baby is so cute" He sobs and kisses his belly " hi baby!"

I smile most of the day while getting ready to leave. I smile when we arrive to the gender reveal soon getting out with Gene's help. I see Paul and Eric come over to greet us "hey guys" I hug them and waddle a bit when we walk into the house soon seeing our friends and family. I spend time talking to everyone and had some food while relaxing

After three hours of having a good time it was time to find out what the gender was for our baby. I grew nervous as we cut the cake together which I grew excited for it. We both pull the slice and see blue which I never cried so loud before because I was happy "A BOY ITS A BOY!!!!!!" I sob loudly and hug Gene

 We both pull the slice and see blue which I never cried so loud before because I was happy "A BOY ITS A BOY!!!!!!" I sob loudly and hug Gene

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Gene cries and hugs him back "I knew it.... I told you babe" he kisses him and moves down to kiss his belly gently

I smile at him while laughing gently "you did know honey! Oh god I'm so excited"

Everyone congratulates us and we get a surprise baby shower which I didn't know about. Later on I rest in bed after the big event today and watched the baby kick while moving

Gene works on the baby's room and decorates it finally soon checking on Steven "hey baby how are you feeling? I was busy putting the nursery together since we are having a son"

I relax "I'm doing great honey.... Getting hungry though like always" I laugh

He looks at him "I could make food babe. Anything you are craving for me to make for you" he walks over and rubs his belly

I smile and relax "hmmmm how about spaghetti with meatballs?" I rub my belly and watch the baby kick at our hands

Soon I eat and enjoy my food with Gene while watching tv "thanks honey this is delicious. Reason why I love your cooking and you showed me how to cook good meals"

He smiles happily and kisses his cheek "you're welcome babe....I enjoy cooking and it's my job to take care of you and the baby"

The next day we went shopping for the baby and I grew excited while we chose clothes and other cute things for our son "so do we have names for him?"

Gene puts an outfit for the baby in the carriage "I have a few chosen.... We have a few to choose from. What are you thinking?"

I think "was thinking of the names Oliver, Matthew, Joey, James and Sam" I push the carriage and look around

He smiles "I was thinking Alexander, Jack, Owen, Zander, and Leo" he loved the name Alexander the most "I love the name Alexander the most"

I think and nod "same... it sounds so cute for him but can we wait to see him when he's born to name him?"

He nods and puts a few more items in the carriage "yes we can always wait a little while before we decide. I wanna see his face before we name him too because it matters with his cute face and his personality"

We go to the pregnancy section and choose some clothes for me and for other things in the store that we needed. The few days passed very fast and I cleaned around the house when Gene got home with a pig in his arms "honey why do you have a baby pig?"

He smiles happily "well I wanted to get a pig so I can own one. Are you okay with it?"

I look at the pig and take it soon holding it "boy or girl?" I fall in love

He smiles happily "boy..... they weren't selling the females right now so I got a boy. What do you think"

I pet the pig and look at him "love him so much.... Never held a pig before and I'm actually enjoying this"

He smiles " I'm thinking of having him stay in the extra room for now until I build a little barn to keep him in if you are okay with that?"

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He smiles " I'm thinking of having him stay in the extra room for now until I build a little barn to keep him in if you are okay with that?"

I nod and cuddle the pig more soon laying down "yes that's okay as long as you keep the room clean"

All afternoon I relax in bed and sleep due to being exhausted from a long day of cleaning. Soon I feel Gene join me and cuddled up to me with his hands on my belly

(End of chapter and more coming soon. Thanks for reading!)

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