Here Come The Sun Pt. 1

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(This is the chapter where Steven is ready to have the baby! Warning ⚠️ graphic)

It's has been a long month and a half with carrying the baby though he was a week overdue from the day he was suppose to be born. I grew impatient and tried all of them tips on starting labor but nothing would get this baby is come even sex. I felt restless one day along with feeling uncomfortable so I just laid on the couch while Gene cooked food for the family for when they come over. I watched him and closed my eyes soon sleeping a little.

When the guys got there Gene had them sit in the kitchen so Steven could rest "hey guys food is almost done"

Eric Carr looks at Gene confused "still no sign of the baby coming?" He sits down

He shakes his head "he's being stubborn and he's enjoying his warm home a little too much right now"

Paul laughs "he is definitely like you Gene... very stubborn and enjoys staying home all day"

He laughs and hears Steven call for him "yes babe I'm coming. Be back guys" he goes to Steven and saw he was uncomfortable

I woke up feeling the baby push down on my pelvic which I was very uncomfortable with it. I needed to pee when I woke up too "need to pee"

He nods and helps him up soon noticing how low his belly was which meant it might be time either today or a day or two. He helps him to the bathroom and watched him pee

I felt sore around my breast and sighed when I noticed that I was lactating "my boobs are starting to make milk"

He nods and stands there "do you want to try pumping?"

I shake my head "not yet darling. Wanna wait till he's born" I pull up my pants and smile

He helps him into the living room soon helping him lay down with a pillow propped up behind him "do you want something to eat? I cooked dinner and I could always get you something small or light"

I shake my head and smiles "no honey I'm okay for now" I rub my belly soon relaxing while feeling tired

He kisses his head "let me know if you need anything darling" he goes to the others and have them eat dinner soon talking to them. They all head to the living room and hang out

I feel cramps and relax soon laying on my side soon resting. I get stronger cramps and breathe gently soon feeling my belly tighten. After an hour of resting I feel the cramps go away but then they came back after a while but it was getting painful "Gene" I breathe in pain

He hurries over and look at him soon noticing he was in pain "do you think it's time?" He help him up

I stand and groan in pain soon freaking out. I get a strong contraction and scream "what do you think!"

He looks at the others and feels scared but excited "we better get going then. Guys are you coming?" I help my husband to the front door "the hospital bags are in the car" I help him get his shoes on with a sweater soon doing the same. We head to the hospital while the others put the food away, cleaned and locked up the house

I groan uncomfortably in the seat and breathe "I'm scared Gene! What if I can't deliver him naturally?! What if I have to have a c-section! I don't want that!"

He drives and gets to the hospital "honey you will be just fine. He will come naturally and you'll get your water birth. Try not to worry because I'm here for you"

Soon we get into the hospital and into a room. I grip Gene's hand while the doctor check me soon confirming it was time which I was three centimeters. I rest and looks at my husband

(Peter and Ace POV:

I sit alone in the corner of the waiting room while the others talked because the only spot next to Tommy that was open to be with the other was next to Peter. I haven't talked to him for a few years due to our relationship in the past that turned toxic. I missed him a lot but things aren't the same with him

Peter keeps looking at Ace and frowns because he knew that he didn't want anything with him which is the reason why he didn't sit next to him. He missed things with him and loved him so much. He got up when he had enough with not talking to him and walked over soon sitting next to him "hey.... How are you doing?"

I sigh gently and look away "I'm fine.... Just go hang with the others please.... I'm okay on my own Peter"

He rolls his eyes "can we just talk? Listen I'm sorry about the past and I missed you Ace" he frowns when Ace gets up to move but grabs his hand "please give me a chance to talk Ace"

I try to pull away and sigh deeply soon sitting down again "Peter I wanted our relationship to work and I still love you but I'm not sure if a relationship will work anymore.... After the fights due to drinking, the pregnancy scare, me getting paid more and getting smacked makes me feel scared to even be with you again"

He frowns " the reason why I didn't want kids back then is because we were very young. We were 19 during the time due to the partying, drinking and we had a band we had to focus on.... I didn't want to rush into kids even though I wanted kids with you. How about we hang out every weekend when we are free and talk about this"

I nod "I didn't think about it that way.... I never wanted our relationship to end but we needed a break. Yes we can meet up every weekend.... Also on the money thing. Peter I didn't expect to get paid more than you and I wasn't going to keep it to myself.... I spent a lot of it on you because I loved you.... You were special to me... money doesn't matter to me, it's my loved ones that I care about but if we get together again in the future, please don't hurt me ever again" I feel tears go down my face with the words

He smiles happily and kisses him but got pushed away from Ace "what's wrong?" He sighs

I look at him "please not now.... I'm not ready my kitty.... I need time to think about it please" I beg him

He nods and smiles "okay honey..... it's okay..." he sits there and talks to him more

(End of chapter and more to come for the delivery)

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