Understanding Love

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(This chapter is sad but a happy ending between Paul and Eric. They aren't breaking up but things won't be easy. Big surprise at the end. Listen to the song above ⬆️ that is for the chapter)

(Paul and Eric POV):

I knew I made Eric upset that day and had begun my shopping for wedding rings for him. We had contacted everyone and made sure no one was sick or had something that can get Alex sick. They were all clears and soon we all got to Gene's and Steven's house. We all pile into the house and saw Steven in the living room with Alex in his arms

Steven looks up "hey guys! Go clean your hands and then you can hold Alex" he watches everyone clean their hands

Gene joins him and Kisses his cheek "feeling okay?" He makes sure his husband is feeling okay since they haven't got much sleep due to Alex waking them up throughout the night

He nods and hums softly "more than okay for now" he checks on Alex and smiles when their son yawns soon continuing sleeping

I walk over with Eric and sit down soon watching Steven place baby Alex in my arms. I admire him and smile happily "he is so perfect and wow! He looks so much like your Gene" I hand him to Eric

Eric nods and looks at the baby "he's so cute and such a chubby boy but look at who his dad is.... He will gain all of the muscle"

Alex gets passed around to everyone and each of them fell in love with the new family member. I laugh because I knew Ace and Vinnie got baby fever because I knew they always wanted kids along with me and Eric but my relationship with Eric needed some work due to us not pushing for marriage.

We got home a few hours later and I look at Eric "well that was fun babe" I sit down and noticed my boyfriend wasn't talking still

Eric nods and grabs a pillow to go downstairs "I'm gonna go lay on the couch. Have a good night" he leaves the room

I sigh deeply and sat there not sure what to do. I lay down in bed and slept to just wake up to Eric crying downstairs. I walk downstairs and look at him

(Eric Pov):

I cry and turn away from Paul "go away!!!!!!" I yell at him and feel sad

He leaves him alone all day and found out his husband wasn't home which made him panic. He calls him but no one answer but sees a note from him

Dear Paul,

I needed a break for a while from home and if you want to find me, you know where to find me. Love you


He left home after a while and knew where he could be which is possibly the rose garden that we went to on our first date for a picnic. He stops by the ring store to pick up the wedding rings so he could try to save our relationship since it sounded like Eric wanted to break up. He hurried to the garden and saw his boyfriend sitting alone. He walks over and sighs softly "babe I'm sorry for making you upset.... I know I'm not the best boyfriend in the world but if you feel we should break up, that's okay honey"

I turn to him and sob "I don't want us to end at all.... I'm just sad and I don't know why" I look at him

He sighs " is it because of Gene and Steven being married with a baby? Babe I'm ready to marry you because you're beyond amazing and talented. I don't know what I would do without you in my world and when we met at the audition, god you we the most beautiful and sexy person in the world. God the first time we made love and went on vacation with band stuff, I knew you were the one. I see you in my life because you complete it. You make me happy, horny, sexy and thankful for someone like you and I want to spend the rest of my with you.... No one else"

I cry and hug Paul soon kissing him deeply "I love you so much.... God you are only fine forever and I was upset because I didn't have any of what Gene and Steven got. I wanted it with you...." I see Paul get on one knee and pull out a small box soon opening it which made me cry more

He smiles happily and looks at Eric "Eric ever since I met you, I knew you were the one and only for me. I want marriage and kids with you. I want you to be mine forever and to be the mom of our kids. Will you marry me?"

I nod and cry loudly "yes I'm marry you! I love you so much" I hug him and kiss him deeply soon laughing

He grabs the ring and puts it on his finger soon kissing him deeply again "you will be beautiful as my husband and the mom of our kids"

He grabs the ring and puts it on his finger soon kissing him deeply again "you will be beautiful as my husband and the mom of our kids"

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(Next chapter is a concert! Stay tuned for the next chapter

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