Chapter 6: We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed.

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"Come on Rayla, wake up." Adrian said as he tried pushing down on Rayla's chest.

"It's too late, she's already gone." I said to Adrian as tears rolled down my face. I was in Rayla's position after Audrey died, as much as I wanted to feel emotionless and keep everything together, I couldn't. Rayla was gone and I had to deal with it.

"This is all your fault!" Harper shouted at the three of us. Me, crying silently, Adrian trying to wake Rayla up, and Madison, who stared blankly in shock.

"If we would've just killed him-" Harper shouted, pointing at Madison.

"That's not true, we don't know how far off the kill goal we were, we only know we failed, killing Madison may have made no difference." I said to Harper.

"Then kill Adrian too, even you said you don't trust him!" Harper snapped at me, shocking Adrian.

"You don't trust me?" Adrian said looking hurt by what Harper said.

"After everything me and Adrian have been through, I certainly trust him miles more than you." I said bitterly to Harper.

"If you don't have the guts to kill him then I will!" Harper shouted as she pulled out a knife and lunged at Adrian. I got in front of Adrian and twisted Harpers arm, causing her to drop the knife in her hand, but she quickly kicked me in the gut, causing for me to let go of my grip on her. Harper then bent down for the knife, but before she could grab it, Madison did.

"The kill goal is already over, killing him is useless now." Madison said bleakly as he stared into the dirt.

"You guys won't last a second without me. You need to be prepared to kill, get a fucking grip!" Harper said as she backed away from the three of us.

"Leave then." Adrian said as Harper continued to back away.

"Fine, I'll survive without you!" Harper said as she turned around and began to leave.

"No, you wont." I said, remembering that we had both of Harpers weapons.

"Adrian, give Harper her gun." I said, staring into Harpers eyes.

"Why? So she can shoot us?" Adrian said angrily.

"Take the bullets out first, then give her the gun and the bullets." Madison suggested as Adrian contested giving Harper the gun.

"Fine." Adrian said as he unloaded the gun and tossed it over to Harper along with the bullets. I then grabbed the handgun Harper had given me earlier and pointed it at her.

"Don't even think about loading that gun, or else I'll shoot your damn fingers off." I said, taking a page from Harpers book. Harper just stared at me with an angry and sad look on her face.

"Rayla could've still been here, if only you were more willing to take action." Harper said both sadly and bitterly, before walking away into the woods. As Harper left I felt as if maybe I should've left with her. The group I was in was more broken then ever with the person I trust most gone. It didn't help that Madison and Adrian don't know each other and that I still hadn't forgave Madison for killing Audrey. The group was a broken mess and I felt as though it was my job to pick up the pieces.

"So now what?" Adrian asked sadly.

"When Audrey died we made a grave stone for her as a memorial, maybe we should do the same for Rayla." I said, staring at Rayla's lifeless body.

"Okay but, what should we do?" Adrian asked once more.

"Adrian, you dig a hole. Me and Madison will go look for rocks and flowers to make up the base of the grave stone." I said as I walked and motioned for Madison to come along with me.

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