The Reunion

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"Hayley?", Klaus questioned. Hayley's eyes widened and before she could say anything Rebecka questioned, "Why do you think she is Hayley". "Well it looks like that by the way she carries herself", he replied with a smirk. It almost looked like he was insinuating that she does not carry herself well. She looked angrily at him and asked "What do you mean?". With that one angry look she gave him, he knew it was Andrea Labonair. Ignoring her question, holding the black cloth he asked "So Andrea, why the disguise?". Before she could reply, Rebecka interrupted and said "You are mistaken brother, this is not Andrea. She is Ariana of the Austrian kingdom". Hayley had no idea what was going on but she just nodded. Klaus was still not convinced but went with it "I suppose I was mistaken, you just look and act like someone I knew", then he kissed her hand. She was taken aback by this because they were never this formal or nice to each other. When they would be together, the conversation mostly consisted of constant screaming and threats about how the one would defeat the other. This sort of interaction was very unusual for them. The feeling was more prominent on Hayley's face.

Rebecka observed this and asked, "Why did you think she is Andrea". "The way she was struggling with her dress was so similar to Andrea" Klaus answered. "The skill of carrying a dress is the one thing I am least interested in", she replied with sass. Klaus smirked and said, "Yes I can see that, now please excuse me, ladies". After a while, Rebecka signed and said "That was a close one", Hayley looked at her friend curiously. She said, "He knows". The blonde turned and asked "how do you know" "he has that look and the smirk confirms it" she replied. "Looks like you know a lot about him", the best friend said with a smirk. "Oh shut up, you always need to know your rival well", Hayley replied and Rebecka just rolled her eyes. "And by that, I can confirm it's the one and only Andrea Labonair," Kol said with a smile, happy to see her. "You must be the one and only cheeky Mikaelson," she said with a laugh. "At least someone understands my value," he said while hugging her. Then she hugged Elijah, added with a good to see you which was reciprocated. The Mikaelsons were happy to see their childhood friends.

Soon they joined the others at the party. Rebeka had pleaded with Hayley to not tell Klaus her real identity and she reluctantly agree once again. She went to the bar and said aloud by mistake "The things I do for this girl". "You need to learn to say no to my sister Andrea," a voice said. The frustrated girl turned around and saw Klaus. "I am not Andrea", he looked at me with bored eyes and replied, "We are continuing this charade?". "Making you believe that my name is not Andrea is not my job so by all means continue to believe whatever the hell you want," she said with an irritated look. "Calm down love" and then he asked the bartender for one Bourbon. He passed to her and she gratefully took it. While she was drinking he said "You still have a love for Bourbon", and she replied with "The person who you are presuming me to be might have a few similar qualities but the fact is we are not the same person" "Whatever you say" he said in a sarcastic tone. Then she looked around at the boring ball and thought out aloud again "I wish this was a competition than some ball and nobody is discussing any business, why did I let father convince me to come here". Taking in her words and saying "Another similarity- thinking out loud",  he said not believing the lie. She said, "Many do that and so do you". At the moment she realized what she had said and quickly added a "Rebecka told me", he nodded with a smile knowing well that she is lying.

The remaining Mikaelsons and Davina were secretly eavesdropping. Elijah who never really acts this way went with it because he wanted to prove his theory true. Then he said, "The two remember a lot about each other, it looks as if they are reminiscing an old romantic relationship". The others chuckled at his observation. At the moment people started to dance, Elijah took Rebecka's hand and to everyone's surprise, Kol asked for Davina's. After bantering for a while Klaus asked for Hayley's hand and she said: "If I step on your shoes in this huge dress it's not my fault so do not shout at me". He laughed at her response and said "I will not mind since I shall try to do the same because I believe that everything should be fair". She just rolled her eyes and took his hand. On the dance floor, she saw Davina and Kol dancing said "Interesting". He followed her gaze and said " The way you observe her is similar to how a concerned older sister would", he hinted. To that, she said, "Maybe I just regard her as my younger sister". Klaus just shook his thinking how long will she keep this up, nonetheless he was enjoying himself. 

They danced for a while in silence. It was a very different experience since they had never danced together. He twirled her a few times and ended it with a drop. His ocean blue eyes and her emerald green eyes gazed at each other. Everyone in the ballroom could tell that there was something between the two but only they could not see it. Later on, they both went back to the bar wondering the purpose of this ball. It seemed too suspicious, especially the fact that the parents were not allowed. Glad to find someone with the same thoughts but sad that they still could not figure out an answer. Hayley's frustration increased and Klaus saw this. "Come on let me take you somewhere else before you kill someone out of frustration". She gave him a look even though she was laughing from inside. Then she started to follow him into the garden where there was a huge mango tree. Klaus knew it was her favorite fruit and was planning to get some for her. Sadly he was too late, he saw her walking fast towards the tree and quickly climbing it. She tore a piece of cloth from a layer of her dress and stored the plucked mangoes in it. 

A smile started appearing on his face while observing her antics. She quickly jumped down and washed the mangoes in the nearby lake. Then she sat down and started to eat. Hayley pointed a place for Klaus to sit and he did just that. After a while, he said "I have seen only one person in my whole life do that", "Do what" she asked innocently. "Well firstly climb a tree in an enormous dress and sit down on the ground, not caring about the dress", he explained. "I suppose there should be more Andreas and as you can see there are". "Nope there is nobody like her", he said in a whisper. "Any other boy would have just judged but you are not like others," she said in a whisper as well. They said so softly that the other would not be able to hear. One thing they both never did was compliment each other. However, they could not deny how unique the other was. 

They sat in the moonlit night eating mangoes. Klaus glanced at her and saw the moon shine on her, he felt like he had seen the most beautiful thing ever. Then she suddenly looked at him and asked "Do I have something on my face?", to which he just shook his head. The feeling of surprise at what he was thinking was prominent on his face. The next minute he decided to ignore it, saying its nothing. Andrea looked puzzled as she observed him, wondering what was going on in his mind. 

Later on, the screams of the people in the castle reached their ears. Both of them stood up and gave each other a look. Andrea and Niklaus went from the back to scan the situation. Upon looking, they saw men with large swords masked and threatening to kill a few. Some were hostage and the others stood in fear. One of the men had a knife on Elijah's neck. Klaus tightened his fist and was about to go into rage mode. At that moment, Andrea quickly held his hand and said "Calm down, you going into rage mode will not help the situation". Niklaus does not like to be told what to do but he looked into her fearless eyes and knew she was right, so he nodded. They retreated to a safe spot where they would not be found to plan how to save their family. Hayley said, "We need weapons, we must enter the training room". The two moved towards the training room window which was pretty high but reachable. "Nik give me a boost" Hayley called out. He wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her to the window. This gave both of them a weird feeling but chose to ignore it. Once she was in, she dropped a rope for him to climb. Now they were both up and started to pick weapons. Andrea's eyes went to the black cloth in Klaus's pocket. "I know how we can distract them", Klaus turned around looking at her. She continued saying "Their disguises are similar to what I wore while fighting you, I can blend in and take them down from the inside. 

Klaus pondered over it and then smirked "I suppose you can think after all" and he ended up receiving a look from her. "Where is the rest of the attire?", she said, "In the washroom". "How are we going to get there without anybody noticing?" and to that, she pointed at the window. "You Andrea Labonair are a crazy woman" Klaus stated, "That I am!" she replied. 

A/N Here is a bonus chapter. Hope you liked it and keep checking during the week, you might just stumble on a new chapter. Please tell me if you want to see something and I will try to make it happen. Thank you for reading...

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