Chapter 49

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Percy's hands were itching. 

He really, really wanted to let loose. He wanted to sing. He wanted the water to obey him and the forest to submit to him. He was itching to use his powers, his birthright. There was a hunger running wild in him. 

He imagined himself running until his chest was heaving and water swirling around him ready to strike. He saw himself in the center of cracks in the earth while the ground shook under his feet. He wanted to feel powerful and exhausted.

But here he was, peeling fruits with a blunt knife and hearing old wives tales from Mrs. Russo.
He popped a piece in his mouth and chewed dejectedly.
At least his physical hunger wasn't going to be a problem. 

They were in the open hall with everyone from the pack. It was a regular event hosted by Mrs. Russo, who emphasized the importance of 'family bonding' and 'welcoming the new guest' and 'not appearing scary because young children get scared and might run away'.
(note that Lupa never met her eyes during such lectures)

Reyna was sitting right next to Mrs. Russo and was as stiff as a wooden board. But to his surprise, was listening attentively to the story. Compared to him, she had a kind heart, he supposed. When he'd come, he'd been forced to attend the same ceremony after Rey refused to stop shaking the tree he was 'roosting' on. He had been in her spot before so knew exactly how hard it was not to flip everything over and run away.

He recognized the warm kindness in Mrs. Russo, but he was just not meant for crowds. There were always people who enjoyed socializing like Jason and Rey but he preferred the company of beings who enjoyed comfortable silence. 

It seemed like Lupa agreed with him because he'd seen her be dragged by Mrs. Russo quite often. Seeing that sight was compensation enough to suffer through the endless tales of her. Even the Goddess of Wolves and the Mother of Rome could not resist her loving gaze. 

Mrs. Russo was dangerous like that. Her eyes always seemed to hold caring expectation in them and the disappointment on her face if rejected would tear one's heart. Maybe that was how the hostile Reyna was persuaded to stay in place and nod along with her stories. No one could bear breaking the old lady's heart.

'What's making you so restless?' It seemed like Lupa too was not paying attention. Or he had been that much of a nuisance. He was making it quite obvious, he realized. He stilled his quivering fingers and stopped tapping his toes. 

'Care for a spar, Milady?' He spoke likewise, feeling the voice resonate in his head. It was different from the chatter of Mrs. Russo, instead feeling akin to the way sea life answered him. He suddenly missed the reserve and longing filled him.

He offered her a fight lost in thought, knowing that she would refuse easily. But it seemed as if Fortuna was feeling generous. 
'Come.' She said, turning and leaving, her tail swishing behind her. She was feeling anxious too, it seemed.

Percy readily got up, excusing himself quickly despite the pleading looks Jason threw towards him. He would not come, Percy was sure. He was much too good to abandon Mrs. Russo alone. He was sure to stay till she finished her tale and engage in discussion with her later or be caught by Mr. Russo and his love for fruits.

Not Percy though. He would die if he sat still a minute longer. Once away from the eyes, he sprinted behind Lupa, catching up and running beside her till they reached deep in the woods. Keria flew above, the sheen on her claws the only indication of her presence, so silent she was. 

The sun was bright on the trees and the forest ground was damp. There was the usual chitter of nature but Percy was deaf to it. There was a profound silence ringing in his ears. His hands were calm by his sides and a familiar stillness descended in his heart. 

He stared right into Lupa eyes, facing her with a short distance in between. He reached behind and pulled out his pair of knives. As he took his fighting stance, he urged the band on his wrist to transform while calling to Keria, confirming her position. 

Lupa too got ready, but in a different manner. She twisted and faded till a woman stood in her place with the same cold, hard eyes. She was in no form ordinary though. Thick nails protruded from her hands and her hair was an unusual thick grey for a normal human. The blackness in her eyes seemed to never end. 

"You have the honor to fight me in this form, child." When she snarled, her fangs gleamed in the sunlight. "Let's proceed. And don't hold back." She almost purred, growling the commands through her throat. Her voice was clearer in her human form and even more chilling. 

In response, Percy charged at her, an equally chilling smile on his lips.


Exams got postponed and delayed, so will try to update whenever I can. 
Updates will be irregular from now on. I will let you guys know when I can post on a regular schedule soon. 
Thank you,

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