Chapter 3

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A/N ooooh two updates in one night! (but it's a short chapter so....)

Please enjoy and excuse the spelling/grammar and punctuation. As always comment/vote/follow


Turns out Ari loved Jenn and they talked the whole way home. And not just baby talk, Ari was pretty smart for her age and basically grilled Jenn with the ‘what are your intentions with my sister’ talk. Where does she get this stuff from? I told Ari that it only applied to when I brought a boy home. If I ever brought a boy home that is.

The week passed uneventfully after Rob had decided to confront me about what happened in P.E. He was rather flirtatious and seemed like the type to get all the girls. He had you generic whoosh hair and arrogant smirk. He wasn’t particularly good looking but his attitude would say otherwise to girls who can’t resist that kind of temptation. A varsity jacket, some kind of player in some kind of team.  I didn’t have to say much when he did all the talking but had to chuckle when he try to hit on me with one of those pick up lines that required me to touch his jacket and say whether it was ‘boyfriend material’ or not all the while Jenn stood next to me awkwardly. His friend or ring leader from that morning didn’t seem to be with him and I briefly wondered if he went to this school at all. Don’t boys usually stick in packs?

I liked this new place and I hoped Ari and Dad would too. It was calmer yet so much more chaotic in some ways but maybe that was just a part of adjusting. The people were different and everyone seemed to be so close. We moved here at the right time and I liked the thick forest not too far from the house which meant I could go running again. I didn’t go too deep into the trees this time or at least I hope I didn’t, it was so easy to get lost when you were running alone with all your thoughts and reality seemed to breeze in and out. By the end of the month, at the rate I was going, I’d have memorized the whole space and mapped out everything out of habit. Another one of those skills my dad had taught me. By now rays of light streamed through the leaves on the highest branches of the tall, moss covered trees. I stopped to tilt my head upwards at the brightest stream of light entering into the forest and let the rays heat up my skin and inhale slowly to smell yesterdays rain. Cold but sunny. The perfect combination. My mother would have loved this place, especially because of her love for photography and art. The sun not only illuminated the enchanting greens and browns but also meant I had to get back home.

I turned around slowly and caught a glimpse at something lurking not far from me. I approached slowly despite telling myself there was nothing there, I was drawn to something only to realise I was drawn to a wolf. The silky midnight blue one from my first night here. Fear coursed through my veins only to slowly dissipate when I realise this wolf had helped me. I started forward towards the wolf with steady movements and my hand reached out. Sooner then I thought I was pleasantly met with the soft silk fur that covered the wolf. He purred as soon as contact was made and leant in to my hand and rubbed his neck against my palm. A subtle smile crossed my face as I knelt in front of the towering wolf as I reached both my hands out to feel the softness. I looked up to see the eyes of the wolf, the wide almond shaped eyes had me mesmerised. The pupil dark and engulfed in specks of gold and bright oranges, the further I looked in the more it looked like gold dust floating around his eyes like pollen amidst a breeze.

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